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Pick of the Week in the Guardian Guide for the 2nd time in as many months


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Here's what the Guardian Guide said about Penelopes !


Lights Down Low



It makes all the difference to a club night when a venue is finally found that's willing to work alongside the promoter, rather than at odds with them. Relatively new concern Penelopes in Sheffield must be doing something right, as in their short tenure on Arundel Gate, they've already managed, with Kabal and Lights Down Low, to court two of the city's friendliest monthly parties to the venue. At this Friday's Lights Down Low, Radio 1 Xtra's club spinner Benji B, from the Deviation show, makes yet another trip up north, the ever frequent journeys attesting to the rising popularity of this exciting, freestyle DJ, just one of a number of British DJs who currently seem to be rivalling American imports for bookings in our dance clubs. He joins the residents and the young, sussed, reasonably small crowd for five hours of hip-hop, disco, soul, jazz and techno.

Marc Rowlands


· Penelopes, Arundel Gate, Fri 30


Needless to say we are delighted! :)


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Penelope x

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