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Chris Morris tackles terrorists


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Chris Morris has revealed plans for his next project: a feature film ripping the proverbial out of Islamist terrorists. He has been researching for two years, and wants to ridicule the extremist jihadists in the way that Hitler was lampooned. There has been a tendency for comics to avoid the issue. Now it's in the hands of the master. :)


From The Times


The film, to be shot in the spring, takes as its premise that terrorists are “scary but also ridiculous”, according to the synopsis.


It will use some real absurdities around Islamist terrorism as its basis. It cites Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, one of the ringleaders of the September 11 attacks, who, after inviting a journalist to a secret location in Pakistan to record a tell-all interview about 9/11, spent two hours trying to select clothes that would avoid making him looking fat.


At terror training camps, young jihadists argue about honey, accidentally shoot off one another’s feet or get thrown out for smoking. Back in Britain, they spend evenings having rows over whose turn it is to do the washing-up.


In Hamburg the 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta ran discussion groups that were so strict that everybody left them. “Terrorism isn’t about religion, it is about berks,” says the summary of the film.

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I've never found him terribly amusing and this is likely to be very counterproductive, probably ending up in a fairly large amount of taxpayer's money being spent on guarding him, a la Salman Rushdie.


But - it's freedom of speech, freedom of artistic expression, etc. and as such I guess we have to go with it. :rolleyes:


Whilst Hitler was lampooned, it didn't stop him indulging in a little mass murder and landgrabbing trhoughout the 30s and early 1940s.


As an aside I remember some film where someone similar to Chris Morris set out to ridicule the 'New World Order' conspiracy folks in the US, Bilderberg and, I think, the 'Illuminati' conspiracy bods. I took great delight in wtaching him bricking his pants through parts of the film when he thought he might be being followed. It was his attitude - starts off taking the michael and at the slightest whiff of danger just folded up. Can't remember who it was but it was amusing. :

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Chris Morris has revealed plans for his next project: a feature film ripping the proverbial out of Islamist terrorists. He has been researching for two years, and wants to ridicule the extremist jihadists in the way that Hitler was lampooned. There has been a tendency for comics to avoid the issue. Now it's in the hands of the master. :)


That sounds brilliant, the man is a genius.


Lets face it, there's a lot to ridicule in religious fundamentalism.

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As an aside I remember some film where someone similar to Chris Morris set out to ridicule the 'New World Order' conspiracy folks in the US, Bilderberg and, I think, the 'Illuminati' conspiracy bods.

That was Jon Ronson, simpering grauniad columnist extraordinaire investigating who actually 'rules' the world. He wasn't setting out to ridicule anyone, but to actually delve into Bilderberg - something few journalists have done. He's a sort of Louis Theroux but with less people skills.


Chris Morris is far less trusting, gentle & affectionate, and I look forward to this film with interest. He's never failed to make me laugh yet. Ronson just isn't funny, except in the peculiar sense - "How did you get a column in the grauniad when all you write about is dull domestic toss, Jon?"


In his research he discovered that

jihadists like reading the views of Jeremy Clarkson but not those of Richard Littlejohn


Now why doesn't that surprise me?

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lol, if anybody can pull it off, Chris Morris can, the Peado / drugs episodes he did were brilliant.

as has been said tho, he may be sticking himself out for a fatwa........but if he does, then he has ********, putting his life forward in his art.

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Brilliant news. I am such a Chris Morris mark and this is a film that badly needs making. The current Islamic Panic is completely ridiculous and people are jumping at shadows. Hopefully this will annoy the tabloids just as much as the paedophile special did. The UK needs people like Chris Morris to point out that the Emperor isn't actually wearing any clothes.

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  • 8 months later...

This from last weeks edition of Pop Bitch -


>> Help Morris! <<

Turn terrorism comedy into movie


We told you that Chris Morris' terror cell

comedy had been rejected by a fearful Channel 4

and BBC. It seems they have a history of

this. Muslim comedian Omar Mazouk was to

present a mockumentary about misguided

suicide bombers for BBC but this was also

nixed. He took the idea to a TV network in

Denmark instead, where it's getting rave reviews.


And putting two fingers up to TV commissioners,

Morris is turning his Jihadi sitcom into a

film. He's got producers at Warpfilm and a

distributor. All he needs now is enough money

to make the film. Which is where we come in.

Popbitch readers donating between 25 and 100

quid to help get the film made will get the

chance to be in it. So get out your cheque book

and burkha and email:



Chris would not deny or confirm that recruits

who sign up will also get a free al-Qaeda

explosives handbook.

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  • 6 months later...

Jumped on Supertram at Birley this morning and there was a film crew shooting an asian man answering a phone call and swearing. Assumed it was some sort of student project as I was surprised that the tram wasnt cordoned off or not in service and anyone could hop on or off as normal. After watching a few takes I caught the directors face and it was Chris Morris.


I guess this is the project they were filming. I had read about it before but was tempted to stick my nose in a bit more because Chris is one of my comedy heroes. But he looked quite stressed (especially as people would keep wandering into shot, trying to get off the tram) so I decided not to make a nuisance of myself. And anyway, I was going to work myself.


Wonder if any more of this project is being filmed in Sheffield?

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