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Where's the Crimea War Memorial? (ex Botanical Gardens)

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"The Crimea Monument is in store and, while it is intended to relocate it elsewhere in Sheffield, a suitable site has yet to be confirmed."







5.1 At a previous Cabinet (23rd July 2003), approval was given to the principle of relocating the Crimean War Memorial from its current location in the Botanical Gardens to Barker’s Pool.


5.2 On 6th February 2004, Listed Building Consent was obtained for the dismantling, restoration and relocation of the memorial. Conditions attached to this approval required the restoration works to be completed, and a precise location for the memorial secured, within 2 years of the LBC approval.


5.3 The relocation of the memorial into Barker’s Pool is not included as part of the scheme outlined in this report for three reason:


a) The proposal received a relatively low approval in public consultation

b) Until further detail emerges regarding the layout and form of the New Retail Quarter it will not be possible to secure an exact location for the memorial.

c) Heritage Lottery funding has been secured for the partial restoration and removal into storage of the memorial. However, the budget identified for the public realm improvements cannot meet the additional costs involved in relocating the memorial into Barker’s Pool.


5.4 Funding has been secured to meet storage costs and for a partial restoration, after which the memorial will be moved into secure storage, anticipated by May 2004. To finance a future full restoration and carriage to a new permanent location, officers are considering an application for further Heritage Lottery Funding. Further work will also be carried out to identify other city centre locations for the memorial.


Cabinet Report 2004

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It seems that in its original position the memorial was on a tall column, which I believe is also in storage. You can find an old photograph of it when it was in situ at Moorhead, at:




This was taken about 1900, before its (truncated) removal to the Botanical Gardens

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This is very true, it looks really cheap and plasticky for some reason. :( I don't think they'd heard of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".


As I understand it, the fountain now in place is based on the original design. On that basis, the argument of "if it aint broke, don't fix it" seems to support the restoration of the fountain.

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