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Interested in groovy knitting group?!


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Hi! Am new to the Forum but really enjoying being a part of it - it's like having loads more friendly, knowledgeable neighbours to call on!


Anyway. A disturbing thing happened to me this year - I started knitting, and I'm only 32. Now, recently, my relationship has ended - CAN THIS BE A CO-INCIDENCE?!?!


So of course, I'm doing the sensible thing:-


A) running back to Meersbrook as fast as I can!! (I moved for the partner. Big mistake.)


B) thinking of starting a knitting group - Stitch 'n' Bitch as they say in Manhatten - for groovy people in their 20s,30s,40s - hey, 90s if you're up for it! - to show once and for all that knitting is not a sign of middle-aged drabness but a fabulous, soul-nurturing, fun way to bond!


So I was wondering - would you be interested in being part of such a group? I was thinking we could meet once a week at my house - we could alternate homes once we get going - and have projects, snacks, music and much gossip. Then, the beginners could learn from the experienced and we'd all end up with a bunch of new friends and maybe, eventually, some dodgy-looking hats!


If you think you might be interested, please reply. Maybe we could have a meeting in a pub (neutral ground) to begin with, and then take it from there!!


Joy xx

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Originally posted by JoyfulGrrl

Fair enough Kristian - though I'm sure if I found some of those bendy straws . . .


thanks for the welcome!




You ought to go along to one of the forum meets; apparrently they're very friendly affairs!


K x

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You may like to have a peek at this site :




seems like there are 8 people in the Sheffield Knitterati and they are having a meet on 18 March




And judging by this photo




they arent all old !


This photo is best - eat cake and learn to knit for free !




Its amazing what u can find on the net :P

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Woo hoooo!!


Thanks a lot, rtapper! They don't look too scary, and I'll go to anything if cake is involved . . . god bless the net . . .


Does anyone want to come with me?! I'm a total beginner - I've just had a couple of masterclasses from my mum . . .


j xx

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Hello Joyfulgirl!


Just a quick post in support of your idea! Knitting group sounds a fun idea. Yet I wonder if this is a cake group in disguise with some knitting thrown in?! Either way, happy knitting and eating!


P.s. Can you knit mittens?

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