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Door Policy at the Cavendish

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Standing waiting for a bus every other week after football outside Varsity I often wonder exactly what the door policy at Cavendish is, based on the sheer number of people I see get turned away?


Not frequenting the place myself, I just wondered if it was just a case of the doormen not liking the look of someone or whether there was actually anything set in stone.


For example, yesterday I saw a couple getting turned away because the guy was wearing a Berghaus jacket (yes, those hill walkers have a reputation for trouble causing lol!)

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i'd say its one of the best..... how much trouble does the cavendish get? not a great deal if any at all due to the strict vetting on the door..... the cavendish is a student targetted pub therefore chavs, football hooligans and your regular town crowd get vetted..... and the door policy is no groups.

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No idea what their policy is. Me and a mate went to go in there once and they said 'no groups of lads', there were only 2 of us and we weren't even wearing football related clothing. The way I look at it, their loss not mine.

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I occasionally catch the bus outside and have seen groups of women entering, but blokes in ones or twos, which I guess is standard policy.


It's harder now to guess who will get in a place; I've recently been allowed in a few places that I expected to have problems entering becausae I had (decent) jeans on, for example; a decade ago jeans were a no-no in many places.

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In general lads get screwed over when out on the town. Clubs, bars pubs jut don;t want 'em partly cause of the minority of idiots and also because either the bouncers are perves or the management play the 'fill it with lasses lads will have no choice but to follow' card. :(

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