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Trying to start new sport & social group/club - interested?


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Hi there, I have recently moved to Sheffield for a new job and would like to meet some friendly people to socialise and play sports (not too competitive, more for fun!) with.


I'm just hoping to get a small group of like-minded people together looking to make new friends, play regular sports and try out different things in Sheffield.


Initially, I’m happy to organise the following events:


•Weekly Badminton (max 8 ppl).

•Weekly cinema nights at Broadway or Cineworld (take advantage of orange Weds).

•Weekly 5 a-side footie (females always welcome!) or Hockey.

•Fri/Sat evening meals at recommended restaurants or pub crawls around the more vibrant area’s of sheff. (maybe clubbing after) but avoiding the townie hang-outs! :)

•Also, events such as ten-pin bowling, ice-skating, dry-slop skiing, indoor climbing, theatre, etc will be planned but not as regualr event unless it becomes popular!.


If anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know or even better, get involved and organise it!


I’m hoping this will appeal to people between the ages of 20-40 but anyone is welcome really! Also, you may come along as and when you please and not expected to come to every event, except for the regular sporting events, this requires a little more commitment from people for obvious reasons.


Anyway, I would like to get a rough idea of the amount of people this appeals to before going forward, so if you like the idea and fancy hooking up and getting involved, email me and let me know!


Hope to hear from you soon and get this off the ground!


Cheers, Mus.



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I'd be up for this...will keep an eye on this thread :)

Do you play squash by any chance?

I'd be up for random events like iceskating anyway. And the cinema and pub and stuff. Be a good opportunity to meet more people :)

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I'd love to play hockey or football! I'm looking to join a fun sports team, need to get fit!


I'm 23, and suffer with Non-Epileptic Attack Disorder but it's not really a problem. If I have an episode while playing I don't need any medical attention unless I break bones, lol.


I just want to get on with things and doing a weekly sports session would be fantastic!


Hope this works out.

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Hello and welcome to Sheffield! Sounds like a good plan - but you may not have the need to re-invent the wheel....there seem to be quite a few groups on here who meet up and there are always sports clubs etc advertised in the back of local papers.


When I first moved here, I also came across SPICE, which you can join for £12 a month and they arrange loads of stuff - rambling, holidays, weekends away, sports, dinner parties, nights out, pub crawls (infact, everything you mentioned!) ....I didnt actually join, but it looked really good and maybe other people on here have joined?


Anyway, good luck!

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Hello Mus_1, welcome to Sheffield. I hope you are settling well. I'm relatively new to Sheffield myself and always up for meeting new people for random events. I have recently arranged a 20s/30s night out, and hope to arrange another one later in the year. I quite like the idea of trying ice-skating or climbing, as I haven't done these in a while.


There is a pretty good badminton group set up through the forum on Tuesday evenings, and it is not competitive. There is no commitment involved- you just let them know when you are turning up each week, and it's £4 a session. http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=113


If you like Touch Rugby we are looking for more players, male and female. http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=89981


I'm hope that this group works out for you, as I will be very interested in joining in and trying out new activities, and exploring the area.

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yes. i would be up or some of this. i've heard about SPICE too but i wouldn't want to pay a subscription fee as well as having to pay for activities. i'm up for hockey but haven't played since school LOL. but i have still got my hockey stick i think. definitely up for pub crawls and cinema etc. i need new friends and to get out more !

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Having just finished a degree and now having more time available (supposedly!) I'd be up for more sports! I love badminton - I have to say, the SF badminton club is great :thumbsup: but it's not very convenient for me, so a second option would be nice :)

I could dig my squash racquet out too...

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