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Mr Kites casablanca bar division st - Anyone remember it?

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i really loved that friendly ramshackle old wine bar on division/devonshire st.i think its called the green room now,though its lost all its charm.

i first met my wife there!(so has she)

does anyone have any stories or old photos taken in there?

does anyone remember any of the staff there?

why did it close?it was always so busy?

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I heard that it closed because the people who actually owned the building decided that they wanted to open a bar, so basically forced Mr Kite's out.


I think it does still exist though - moved to Regents Terrace just off West Street.

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I too miss the original Mr Kite's and/or Casablanca bar. I think its no longer being there is a great loss to the area. Green's (which I believe the existing place is called) just isn't the same.


You could pop along to Casablanca any time and it nearly always had a vibe. Smoky jazz on a Sunday afternoon, or a Saturday evening for that matter; big bottles of Budvar and decent enough if not extraordinary food.


I miss the place.

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I believe the landlord moved Casablanca out because they thought it looked too scuffy for the area. They wanted to open a more modern looking place that fitted in with the other establishments on Dev Street. So what do they do? Open a bar that looks pretty much the same. :suspect::huh:

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I loved it too, in fact was " alcohol sick" for the first time ever at 16 in there, sorry thats gross, but there you go. :)

The Hallamshire was a great place too back in the eighties, with all the bands playing in that tiny room upstair, and then down to the Limit.....but that thread has been done.

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Mr Kites:-

Years ago the landlord was the City Council - I doubt they would have chucked them out, perhaps it transferred to other landlords at some time later.


I did some work in the basement of Mr Kite's and saw some white iced cakes stored on the brick floor. I thought the squiggly shiny lined pattern on the cakes was interesting. Then I noticed the floor had the same pattern. It was the trails from slugs! Hope you didn't have any of the white cake.

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I've heard all sorts of theories why Kites was outed.


Apparently the landlord put the rent up really high to get rid of them so they could open their own bar.

That's possibly a load of crap though, as is often the way with such rumours. Who knows?


Mr Kites did re-open in another building, as stated above, although it is closed now. Well, it certainly appeared closed when I last passed.



The Green Room is a good place. Not the same as 'Kites used to be, but still a good place. Escapes the weekend millionaires that frequent the other bars in the area, which is refreshing.

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