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Paul Scrivens changes his mind on airport enquiry - there won't be one

Anna K

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Well what a surprise.


After months of insisting we needed a public enquiry into the demise of Sheffield Airport, as soon as Council Leader Paul Scrivens assumes power, he does a complete about face and decides it would be a waste of cash. (Since when has that bothered the council?)


What the people of Sheffield want is answers, and the Lib Dems were voted in because they promised to supply them.


I was quite impressed with the Lib Dems at first, but this just proves yet again what a gullible bunch of idiots we are to think anything would change.

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They do this sort of thing all the time.


Thats why the Idiots on here that come on and say "well vote them out then if you dont like it" get on my nerves.


Everyone knows that they get voted in on LIES and no matter how much spiel they give you about making it better and listening isnt worth a pinch of salt once they are elected.


What we need is an honeymoon period with these people and when they dont deliver we give the job to the opposition. maybe then everyone that gets the job would actually do it the way they promised to the electorate.



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Paul Scrivens, volte-face?


A gentle reminder that he's a politician.


Like two kids swapping football stickers in the playground, one promises to swap his Keegan for the other lad's Shilton only to find that once he's handed his Keegan over, there's no Shilton forthcoming.


Promises, promises.....,

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Why do we need an enquiry, we all know that the labour council ran the airport into the ground and then sold of the land for next to nothing.


Then we should demand an enquiry to prove it, and somebody(s) should go to prison for fraud. Maybe then they'd take a bit more care with our money.

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Why do we need an enquiry, we all know that the labour council ran the airport into the ground and then sold of the land for next to nothing.


The point is that Councillor Scriven said that we should have an enquiry about the airport when he was in opposition and now that he is leader of the council, and in a position to make an enquiry happen, he says we dont need an enquiry. Why would he do that?

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