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Martial Arts - What do you do?

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Anyone here into or train/practice martial arts (karate, kung fu, jujitsu, kendo, judo, aikedo, tieboxing, tiekwondo etc). To me boxing counts.


I train in Karate and have trained for round about 4 years and am interested in maybe sharing/listerning to views and so forth obout different styles. My style is shotokan but I am interested in learning the history of other styles of karate and other martial arts.

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Dear curvta 1

Have you tried or heard of the karate style Goju-Ryu? Apparently this is one of the original forms of karate from Okinawa, the birthplace of Karate

I'm told. Developed from Kung -Fu ,I believe. Ther's a very good club on

Derbyshire Lane, Norton, that might be worth a visit.

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Hi Crimbo.


I have heard of the gojo ryu and I'm not sure whether it was the original style however I do know that Shotokan is a close relation to the original style founded in Okinawa.


I think the history of martial arts, especially Karate is very interesting.


I heard a story one (whether it is true I don't know).

I master of a style possibly kung fu was ship wrecked on the island of Okinawa where he began to teach his knowlege. One of his students on Okinawa created his own style after years of training under this master. The knew stlye was tought to the creators sons who then later founded their own styles one of which included Shotokan.


I have heard many theories, most of which suggest the chinese martial art was the founding style to which karate is based.

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Originally posted by "curtva1"


Hi Crimbo.


I have heard of the gojo ryu and I'm not sure whether it was the original style however I do know that Shotokan is a close relation to the original style founded in Okinawa.


I think the history of martial arts, especially Karate is very interesting.


I heard a story one (whether it is true I don't know).

I master of a style possibly kung fu was ship wrecked on the island of Okinawa where he began to teach his knowlege. One of his students on Okinawa created his own style after years of training under this master. The knew stlye was tought to the creators sons who then later founded their own styles one of which included Shotokan.


I have heard many theories, most of which suggest the chinese martial art was the founding style to which karate is based.


Dear curvta1

can't say as I've heard of that story, a good book to get(library?) is The

History Of Karate by Morio Higaonna. Karate was originally based on Kung-fu that's true, and was imported into Okinawa from China by a native Okinawan, Kanryo Higaonna, around the middle of the 19th century, he adapted kung-fu with the fighting art of Okinawa to-de. There then grew over the years 3 distinct styles Naha-te, Shuri-te and Tomari-te,(te means hand,as I'm sure you know) each taking their names from different districts in Okinawa. Shotokan, got its name from its founder Ginchin Funokoshi, the "father" of Karate, an Okinawan, who was a poet and used the "pen name" Shoto. He went to mainland Japan to promote karate there and when he opened his dojo he called it Shotokan,Shoto's Club.Goju ryu is from the original Naha-te as practiced byKanryo Higaonna

This description is very, very brief as you can appreciate, the history of karate has much more to offer, I often think it would make a knockout, (no pun intended) film. If I can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to ask

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Originally posted by "curtva1"


Hi Crimbo.

I heard a story one (whether it is true I don't know).

I master of a style possibly kung fu was ship wrecked on the island of Okinawa where he began to teach his knowlege. One of his students on Okinawa created his own style after years of training under this master. The knew stlye was tought to the creators sons who then later founded their own styles one of which included Shotokan.


i heard that story - it was in my "Karate Kid" annual when i was younger! it's probably true though.


i used to do shotokan karate back in the late 80s / early 90s. got my 1st dan when i was 10 8) i stopped a few months later though cos i didn't have the time to train 3 times a week and do my homework!


i wish i never stopped doing it now tho :?

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Originally posted by "Tony Ruscoe"


Hi Crimbo.

I heard a story one (whether it is true I don't know).

I master of a style possibly kung fu was ship wrecked on the island of Okinawa where he began to teach his knowlege. One of his students on Okinawa created his own style after years of training under this master. The knew stlye was tought to the creators sons who then later founded their own styles one of which included Shotokan.


i heard that story - it was in my "Karate Kid" annual when i was younger! it's probably true though.


i used to do shotokan karate back in the late 80s / early 90s. got my 1st dan when i was 10 8) i stopped a few months later though cos i didn't have the time to train 3 times a week and do my homework!


i wish i never stopped doing it now tho :?

Hi Tony

why don't you take karate up again and try the Goju ryu club at Norton?

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Originally posted by "crimbo"


Hi Tony

why don't you take karate up again and try the Goju ryu club at Norton?


mmm... it's a bit of a vicious circle:


i want to do karate again to get fit.


but... i want to get fit again so i can do karate.


what should come first? fitness or karate?


if i went to a karate session now i'd probably kill myself doing the warm up :D

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You could just go and take it easy.

It would be like starting from scratch fitness wise but you will soon get fit as you know the routine.


Last year I missed a quite few sessions. I went back and the first session alwost killed me. 4 or 5 sessions later I was back into it.


I stopped again for for a bit due to work and said to my self get fit then go back. A month later and I am no fitter and still don't go. So I am going to just go next week.

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Originally posted by "Tony Ruscoe"


Hi Tony

why don't you take karate up again and try the Goju ryu club at Norton?


mmm... it's a bit of a vicious circle:


i want to do karate again to get fit.


but... i want to get fit again so i can do karate.


what should come first? fitness or karate?


if i went to a karate session now i'd probably kill myself doing the warm up :D

Karate, as curvtal1 quite rightly says, doing it will make you fit , just take it in small steps(so to speak), but, as I'm sure you know, you need to take any exercise on a regular basis otherwise it's a waste of time for all concerned.The hardest part, I would imagine, is getting off ones bum to actually do it. There's always an excellent reason for doin' nowt. Go on lad!have a go!

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Originally posted by "Tony Ruscoe"


Hi Tony

why don't you take karate up again and try the Goju ryu club at Norton?


mmm... it's a bit of a vicious circle:


i want to do karate again to get fit.


but... i want to get fit again so i can do karate.


what should come first? fitness or karate?


if i went to a karate session now i'd probably kill myself doing the warm up :D


This is right. You will get fitter doing the Karate while learning it at the same time. Nobody epects you to be super fit. It will come, give it time.

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