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Business advice for anyone wanting it.

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Hi there,

I have a history in retail, overseas sourcing and importing, but am origionally a web developer and IT specialist with experience in advertising and marketing.

I have just sold my primary business (a specialist retail shop) and have a little time on my hands while constructing a new business plan.

I have seen quite a few help posts on here and thought that I could give some one on one advice to anybody that wanted it concerning new small businesses.

Obviously all advice is free, just thought that I can help a few people out in my spare time in any of the areas above.

All the best.

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ViperK - that's a very generous offer.


Are you aware of BiG? http://www.thebigwebsite.org.uk

Part of the prgoramme is a mentoring scheme - do you think you might be interested in that?

If you'd like to talk a bit more about the idea, I can give you contact details for the project managing the mentoring scheme.

Either way, it's good to see somoene offering to put something back.

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Hey Kipper,

Send me a PM with all the stuff you think that would be interesting, I'd be more than happy to have a look at it.

SENTA is a great place to look though, their workshops are free and informative, so I wouldn't rule them out.

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Hi, I already run a business (PRIVATE iNVESTIGATION).. But I'm wanting to set up another business too, problem is, SENTA, SOAR, BiG can't help because it's in the adult entertainment industry. Where can I get help witht his? I have found a company who can do the website, but I now need models to perform for the camera. I have plenty of male interest but no women, all the professional models (escorts) are way too expansive! Can you help? It may be easier to call me (Caroline) 07876363891 or email cumonqueens@yahoo.co.uk

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Hi All, I manage the project that Roni referred to, Viper K and anyone else for that matter, if you want to get involved, I would be happy to come out and meet with you and discuss the project, We have loads of new business start up people wanting help. Like wise if any one feels they woudl like help from a business person (this is more a experience sharing thing than a business advice thing) I am happy to help just get in touch


you can contact both myself and my collegue Michele on thebig@be-sy.co.uk

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