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Does anyone remember "Ma" Butler and her good grub?

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I had almost forgotten good old Ma Butler and the cheap, wholesome food she sold at her café on Brook Hill near the University. And then I saw this postcard being offered on eBay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/POSTCARD-SHEFFIELD-BROOK-HILL-BUTLERS-DINING-ROOMS-PABLO-PICASSO-VISITED-/121558979101?pt=UK_Collectables_Postcards_MJ&hash=item1c4d7ad21d. You could get a darn good meal for a couple of bob in the late 1960s. Her speciality was a "Cow Pie" (like Desperate Dan's but without the horns) which of course was accompanied by lashings of Hendersons. My goodness - I can smell the delicious aroma as I type this...

Edited by hillsbro
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I had almost forgotten good old Ma Butler and the cheap, wholesome food she sold at her café on Brook Hill near the University. And then I saw this postcard being offered on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Butler-s-Dining-Rooms-Brook-Hill-Sheffield-postcard_W0QQitemZ370174944849QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Collectables_Postcards_MJ?hash=item370174944849&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A10%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318


You could get a darn good meal for a couple of bob in the late 1960s. Her speciality was a "Cow Pie" (like Desperate Dan's but without the horns) which of course was accompanied by lashings of Hendersons. My goodness - I can smell the delicious aroma as I type this...


Her son Steve Butler took it over, His son was at King Teds a few years behind you. Hillsboro. I'm struggling to remember his name. It could have been David.

Remember the Picasso on the wall.

I remember lolipop sticks to stir your tea. Old Mrs Butler picking them up off the floor wiping them on her apron and putting them back in the container.

Last time I saw Steve after he'd retired from the shop, was a pie and pea supper he did for someones party, David was helping him out.


I've just remembered one of his staff Barbara, Salt of the earth woman, when ever I went in she'd say oyerorightedwud or watoyeravinedwud.

I'm going to stop reading this forum it brings back too many memories

A pal of mine had his wedding breakfast there.

Edited by Tooeg
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Hi Hillsbro - I remember Butlers. At about 7 or 8 years old I walked with school mates from St Stephens School for swimming lessons at Glossop Rd baths and on the way back we would try to be at the end of the line of children so that we could rush into Butlers and buy a dripping crust. My did that go down well after all the swimming we had done. My mouth is watering at the thoughts of it. You can't beat a dripping crust.

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Thanks, everyone, for the reminiscences. My brother tells me that a (big) pie and peas cost 1s 10d in 1967 - cheap at the price. It was always good food - nothing too fancy, but tasty and substantial.


Dripping crusts.... Mmmmm.... I'm getting hungry..:)

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My rugby team used to meet at Butlers, Saturday morning in the early 80's for a fry up before travelling to away games.....


I used to go in most mornings from 1970-73 as it was a regular breakfast meeting for Addo engineers.

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