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Hyde park in the 70s

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I'm sorry lagerlil, I thought the rent office was the first place under the big block that was nearest to the crows nest pub.


What year are you talking. I lived on there from '76 to '82


the Crows Nest Pub, the Bookies and the rent office were all pretty much side by side, on the HPF,starting from the lift shaft at the pub. With the former co op (?)in the corner, a hairdressers, and a freezer shop, Sue's "corner shop" (which wasn't really on a corner)and a (GT? ) newspaper shop on the very end of the row of shops.


The "Hyde-away" Youth club and social centre were next to the paper shop and ran along the landing that led from the shops to the bridge to the block with the "Plimsoll" on it.


The launderette and the park gardeners club were one level underneath the shops, and then there was a clothing factory, one level underneath that, and some garages hidden away beside the factory in the very "bowels" of the flats. the garages didn't house many cars, they were mostly storage for the council, especially furniture that had been abandoned in the flats whwen residents did a bit of a "Moonlight Flit".

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