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Fuel's too expensive ? It's actually too cheap!

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I`ve just spent 20 to 25 mins to drive from Hillsborough Barracks to Wadsely, that`s not far over a mile. If it wasn`t for that fact I was transporting stuff in the car I could have walked quicker, and I do in fact usually walk.

The roads were PACKED, plus numerous one way systems and dead ends etc, because, and one can`t escape this, there are too many cars on the road.

And it`s only going to get worse.

Bearing in mind that most of the cost of fuel is tax, and if you didn`t pay it on your fuel you`d only have to pay it on your income tax, I cannot for the life of me see why anyone argues that fuel is too expensive.

What should the government do, tax a positive (i.e. work) via income tax, or tax a negative (i.e. roads packed with cars) via fuel tax ?

The answer`s obvious.


But you still get petrol heads arguing black is white.....

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so you would be happy to pay more for the goods you buy which are transported by road due to an increase in tax?

you also say traffic was packed,and the numerous dead ends and one way systems, surely this is due to bad planning and not fuel duty,

why not plan your journey so you dont add to the rush hour traffic and go an hour later when everybody has gone home?

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Whilst I suspect most will disagree with the OP's statement, I have to agree with him.


If people are prepared to drive all these short journey's rather than walk, even driving to a gym where they will sit on bicycle that goes nowhere, fuel's got to be too cheap.


If local farmers are going out of business whilst we import potatoes from 1000's of miles away, fuel's got to be too cheap.

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so you would be happy to pay more for the goods you buy which are transported by road due to an increase in tax?

you also say traffic was packed,and the numerous dead ends and one way systems, surely this is due to bad planning and not fuel duty,

why not plan your journey so you dont add to the rush hour traffic and go an hour later when everybody has gone home?


If everyone took that advice we'd be back to square one...:hihi:

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so by saying fuel is to cheap you hope to reduce congested roads , why not lift the age of driving to 21 ? if fuel rises the cost of goods rise and everyone even the non drivers suffer, if people shopped local and walked to the shop there would be no congestion ,if the cost of public transport came down people could leave cars at home

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I`ve just spent 20 to 25 mins to drive from Hillsborough Barracks to Wadsely, that`s not far over a mile. If it wasn`t for that fact I was transporting stuff in the car I could have walked quicker, and I do in fact usually walk.

The roads were PACKED, plus numerous one way systems and dead ends etc, because, and one can`t escape this, there are too many cars on the road.

And it`s only going to get worse.

Bearing in mind that most of the cost of fuel is tax, and if you didn`t pay it on your fuel you`d only have to pay it on your income tax, I cannot for the life of me see why anyone argues that fuel is too expensive.

What should the government do, tax a positive (i.e. work) via income tax, or tax a negative (i.e. roads packed with cars) via fuel tax ?

The answer`s obvious.


But you still get petrol heads arguing black is white.....


Actually I'm a petrol head and I agree with you.


Let's get rid of all income tax (I'll save well over a grand a month) and increase the tax on Petrol / Diesel. That way more people will be forced off the roads, and I can hoon around in my V8...

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If everyone took that advice we'd be back to square one...:hihi:



the point i was making is that the op wasnt on his way home from work he/she had gone out in the rush hour traffic to collect/pick up something, what would you expect in rush hour around hillsborough with the bus gate/ one way streets? its hardly a surprise thats its going to be busy

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Is Justin Smith a pseudonym of Gordon Brown's :loopy:


I'll bet that if it wasn't for the imbeciles who planned the one-way systems, cul de sacs and the bus/tram lanes and gates you'd have got there a lot quicker, and used less fuel.

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I`ve just spent 20 to 25 mins to drive from Hillsborough Barracks to Wadsely, that`s not far over a mile. If it wasn`t for that fact I was transporting stuff in the car I could have walked quicker, and I do in fact usually walk.

The roads were PACKED, plus numerous one way systems and dead ends etc, because, and one can`t escape this, there are too many cars on the road.

And it`s only going to get worse.

Bearing in mind that most of the cost of fuel is tax, and if you didn`t pay it on your fuel you`d only have to pay it on your income tax, I cannot for the life of me see why anyone argues that fuel is too expensive.

What should the government do, tax a positive (i.e. work) via income tax, or tax a negative (i.e. roads packed with cars) via fuel tax ?

The answer`s obvious.


But you still get petrol heads arguing black is white.....


another do gooder eh you buy clothes? food ? and other items there mostly transported by road

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