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Sheffield Parkour Meetings Thread (Free-Running)

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I have made this thread to let everyone know about the Parkour 'Jams' being held in Sheffield.


We are aware that many people are interested in taking up Parkour but dont know how to get started and are a little put off by doing it on their own!


Well, there is, infact, a decent sized group of people already doing it in Sheffield and we want even more to join us!


If you would like any particular info on anything then please dont hesitate to send me a PM, thats what they are there for afterall.


If you are unsure about what exactly parkour is then please checkout http://www.parkour.com & http://www.urbanfreeflow.com ( the latter has some nice tutorials too )


Anyway, back to the point, we are meeting tomorrow ( Saturday the 13th of August 2005 ) - We meet at the Odeon in Town at around 11-12.30 and cover some of the well known landmarks in Sheffield alongside quite a few of the best hidden spots.


Its always a friendly environment and everyone is willing to help.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by SHsheff

At 12? On which day? Is that 12 midday or midnight?


Midday obviously, who the bloody hell would go out in town at mid night? Theres too many people like you around.....





And yeah anyone can come, no matter the skill level or lack of it, as long as you actually do something of course!

We will do our best to teach you.



We are meeting again this Saturday, same time, same place....

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  • 5 weeks later...

15th October Meet-Up


The Sheffield Parkour Community is metting up on Saturday the 15th of October, 12 Mid Day on the Odeon Cinema site in town.


All are welcome to come along as usual, just make sure you wear some trainers with good grip, padding and cusioning if you have them.


We spread out to other parts of the City Centre over a few hours and practise the art of Le Parkour ( free running )


If you are unsure as to what parkour is then please check out http://www.foucan.com - If you saw Jump London or Jump Britian on TV the you will know.


Please feel free to check out http://www.sheffieldparkour.com and view our gallery and the videos.


If you have any questions then feel free to ask here or email srounce (at) gmail.com


Thanks and see you there if you are interested in doing something different. Oh and dont let the weather put you off cause we have certain places to go that are covered.

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  • 3 weeks later...

glad to hear that you are accepting of total novices!! i have been wanting to try parkour for a while now, but was put off by doing it by alone, breaking a leg and being in agony in a gutter somewhere!!

im 25 and would really like to give it a go - when are you next meeting and where?(i did a bit of research on Northernparkour.com and understand that there is no freerunning/parkour at the Odeon anymore)






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I cannot PM as new user.


BAsically really psyched to find this thread! I occassionally run on my own in Shef and would love to meet some other people who do it and see their venues.


Please could you PM me Shane?





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