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Can STI's go away on their own (without medical treatment)?

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Long story short: I was seeing somebody over a year ago who turned out to be already spoken for. When confronted by his o/h I said what had happened and left them to it. They stayed together. Anyway, she now claims he caught something from me. BUT I was careful at the time and got tested after I found out about his lack of fidelity and came back clean. So I got tested again a few weeks ago - again clean and disease free (thank <removed> But she seems to think I had something passed it on but then it cleared up all by itself. Is this even possible? My feeling is that he's been up to his old tricks and she doesn't want to face it so wants to blame me in order to keep burying her head in the sand.


I mean, I'm not worried for myself as I know I'm still clean and after all this time surely anything that could show up would have...? But I'm fed up of being accused of passing something (she won't say what) on when I know I don't have anything. So IS it possible to catch an STI and it clear up without being treated??

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Thrush can go away just by your body getting over it and HPV-based infections can also go by themselves if you don't actually have genital warts.


What you also need to remember is that a huge number of STIs are sensitive to standard antibiotics which are used for other things, so if you (for instance) had tonsillitis, a chest infection, sinusitis, a UTI, an abscess or a whole load of other infections for which broad spectrum antibiotics are usually prescribed, then there's a side effect that these antibiotics could also treat a co-existing STI at the same time.


STIs like gonorrhoea, NSU, chlamydia and the like are all very easily treated with antibiotics, so it's perfectly possible to treat them as a fluke just by taking an antibiotic for something else.


So it's not certain that the OH is lying (but then again, it's not certain that she's telling the truth either) ;)

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Long story short: I was seeing somebody over a year ago who turned out to be already spoken for. When confronted by his o/h I said what had happened and left them to it. They stayed together. Anyway, she now claims he caught something from me. BUT I was careful at the time and got tested after I found out about his lack of fidelity and came back clean. So I got tested again a few weeks ago - again clean and disease free (thank ****!). But she seems to think I had something passed it on but then it cleared up all by itself. Is this even possible? My feeling is that he's been up to his old tricks and she doesn't want to face it so wants to blame me in order to keep burying her head in the sand.


I mean, I'm not worried for myself as I know I'm still clean and after all this time surely anything that could show up would have...? But I'm fed up of being accused of passing something (she won't say what) on when I know I don't have anything. So IS it possible to catch an STI and it clear up without being treated??


has he got thrush or something cos that can come and go and apparently some people carry it and dont have the symptoms. it would help if she told you wouldnt it. although she may just be saying it to cause trouble and maybe worry you about nothing or to start rumours. just ignore her.

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I haven't had antibiotics for a couple of years now when I had a chest infection, so if there had been anything it couldn't have been fixed that way.


has he got thrush or something cos that can come and go and apparently some people carry it and dont have the symptoms. it would help if she told you wouldnt it. although she may just be saying it to cause trouble and maybe worry you about nothing or to start rumours. just ignore her.


Could be just causing trouble because she doesn't want to admit it could happen again. That's what I figured anyway.

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so it seems some of the less serious ones can (by inadvertent treatment with anitbiotics for existing conditions), and some won't...but without her saying, it just leaves you in limbo, and she's probably just trying to stir it with you...


does sound like he's been caught out again, and rather than the new girl get any grief, he heaps it all on you, as you're already known about...

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No I don't think so. Maybe it was thrush, that can be passed along and can go away on it's own.


There was a Thrush in my back garden, it used to stand on the window ledge waking me up early every morning with its singing ; eventualy i got so fed up of it i put a pot of fresh yoghurt on the window ledge and the Thrush went away.

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