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Question: Are my thoughts my own?

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The more I think about it, the more I wonder whether my thoughts are acually my own. If I may, i'd like to use the "late great" micheal jackson to explain my meaning.


During the global media storm and legal wranglings over what he did or did'nt do, I personally believed that he was innocent although a little misguided, I personally would'nt share my bed with someone else's kids, or allow my kids to do likewise. In this day and age we need to be constanly on our gaurd.


But I remember watching the martin Bashir interveiw and thinking to myself, this is nothing more that a carefully orchestrated witch hunt, Bashir went their with his mind already made up, he hung him out to dry, making MJ's sleepovers sound sexually motivated.


Now I know that micheal jackson devided opinion and in his final years he was constantly persicuted and ridiculed, even by myself at times. So the question I ask is, are the attitudes and opinions that we judge others by actually our own, or are they simply conditioned through out our lifes leading us to think the worst in any given situation, to the extent that we automatically blame others for "the way we think".....??

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Very interesting post and anyone passing any sort of oppinion can only be influenced by the media in this case unfortunately.


That is to say that no one can really have an oppinion that has not been pre formed by Messrs Bashir and those of his ilk.


I did however have a personal situation which does reflect on how perversely paranoid society has got which arose because i chose to watch a random football match in a park and was challenged as a paedophile because of the age group of the footballers (by the referee).


Now im not sure if there is a test which differentiates sports fans from peadophiles and as was pointed out it was his word against mine as to whether i may be one or tuther. Perhaps i could have raped one of the female parents as proof that my sexual intests are hetero and adult and thereby continue to watch the game having satisfied the referee ?


There is a point to that little rant........... Just what could MJ have done to clear his name after the press had had their pound of flesh? because the innocent verdict of the court didnt work for him

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Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.




Oscar Wilde


Blimey, not only aren't your thoughts your own, even your posts aren't your own!! :hihi:

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Very interesting post and anyone passing any sort of oppinion can only be influenced by the media in this case unfortunately.


That is to say that no one can really have an oppinion that has not been pre formed by Messrs Bashir and those of his ilk.


I did however have a personal situation which does reflect on how perversely paranoid society has got which arose because i chose to watch a random football match in a park and was challenged as a paedophile because of the age group of the footballers (by the referee).


Now im not sure if there is a test which differentiates sports fans from peadophiles and as was pointed out it was his word against mine as to whether i may be one or tuther. Perhaps i could have raped one of the female parents as proof that my sexual intests are hetero and adult and thereby continue to watch the game having satisfied the referee ?


There is a point to that little rant........... Just what could MJ have done to clear his name after the press had had their pound of flesh? because the innocent verdict of the court didnt work for him



You may recall many years ago that a number of tv veiwers wrote to complain about the Jim'll fixit show, when a little girl..or was it a group of girls, not sure, appeared on the show to perform with female dancers. The veiwers were outraged with the outfits that the girls were wearing and the make-up they had on, claiming that the show was making them appealing to child molesters.


At what point should someone stop and ask themselves....why did I automatically think of that.??!!

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You may recall many years ago that a number of tv veiwers wrote to complain about the Jim'll fixit show, when a little girl..or was it a group of girls, not sure, appeared on the show to perform with female dancers. The veiwers were outraged with the outfits that the girls were wearing and the make-up they had on, claiming that the show was making them appealing to child molesters.


At what point should someone stop and ask themselves....why did I automatically think of that.??!!

My bold


Every time it happens!!


Perhaps if we could get into the habit of challenging our own thoughts when they start to get into the rut of following whatever is the current form of hysteria, then we might manage to have a more rational approach to things.


Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of people who don't/won't/can't even begin to think for themselves and prefer to parrot whatever they read in the media. Especially if it gives them the chance to take the moral high ground and thus feel better about themselves. Righteous indignation can be a handy excuse for behaving in a way that would, in other circumstances, be totally unacceptable to most reasonable people.

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