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Laser eye surgery......

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I've got a consultation on Tuesday in Leeds at Optimax for eye surgery. Got it via ebay for £795.


Anyone else had it ?? I hopefully will have the choice of Epi-Lasek or Lasik. Anyone had either of those ? Just after some feedback really. I've a fairly low prescription of -2.00 and -2.25.


I know Lasik is quick and fairly painless, which is more my style !!

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Originally posted by hullmackem

I've got a consultation on Tuesday in Leeds at Optimax for eye surgery. Got it via ebay for £795.


Anyone else had it ?? I hopefully will have the choice of Epi-Lasek or Lasik. Anyone had either of those ? Just after some feedback really. I've a fairly low prescription of -2.00 and -2.25.


I know Lasik is quick and fairly painless, which is more my style !!


I had laser surgery at Ultralase in Leeds in April after being told by optical express I was unsuitable due to laser treatement I had received about 5 years ago due to some 'scarring' in my right eye.

As soon as I sat up after having the treatment I knew my sight had improved as through the 'steam room' effect you first experience for a few minutes, I could see the exit sign clearly and it would have been blurred before.

It has been life changing for me as I hated glasses and lenses got on my nerves, forever losing them, drying out etc, and when I used to go swimming I had to take them out then everything was a blurr. and it is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Your have a very similar prescription to what mine used to be. I went a couple of weeks ago for a check up and both my eyes are now -0.5 and I can see perfectly clear. It is a big decision to make, I know one other person who has had it done (at the same clinic) and she feels the same as me.

It is expensive, but worth every penny.

Ultralase do a 2 yr interest free plan and you dont' pay anything for 6 months.

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I had it two years ago ,no problems of whatsoever .My power was around -3.75 ,its cheap to have operation in the long run as you save 100£ each year on glasses. I went to india for a holiday and had it there for 300£ for both eyes ,and 400£ for air tickets .Look around in turkey and spain when u go for a holiday.

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Hullmackem, its funny but I was just going to ask the same question as you have asked. I would like it done,but am afraid of something going wrong. Will you let me know how the consultation goes ? I am very shortsighted, so dont know wether it will work on me. I would love to give up my glasses .

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I am -6.75 on one eye and -7 on the other (nearly blind then - before anyone says) and have always been told that it could only improve my eyesight, and not give me good enough sight to get rid of my glasses altogther.

If anyone out there has had it done with a high pescription and had success or anything near I would like to know.

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Originally posted by Sheldon273

I am -6.75 on one eye and -7 on the other (nearly blind then - before anyone says) and have always been told that it could only improve my eyesight, and not give me good enough sight to get rid of my glasses altogther.


If you think that -7 is bad, could I lend you my -12 in both eyes. I'm not suitable at all for laser surgery as my cornea isn't thick enough to get me within 5 dioptres of normal, and there's a much higher complication rate with thin corneas too.


Guess I'm stuck with the lenses and glasses then.

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Originally posted by Sheldon273

I am -6.75 on one eye and -7 on the other (nearly blind then - before anyone says) and have always been told that it could only improve my eyesight, and not give me good enough sight to get rid of my glasses altogther.

If anyone out there has had it done with a high pescription and had success or anything near I would like to know.


I have a friend who had a similar prescription to you. She was practically blind without her glasses! She had successful laser treatment about 4 years ago. She says it was the best decision she has made. Her eyesight is near perfect now so she doesn't need glasses anymore. If my eyes were that bad I would definately do have it done.


All the best!



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