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Ideas for meeting new people my age (20s) for socialising


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I know there are a couple of similar threads to this, so sorry for posting another one.


I have lived in Sheffield for a couple of years now, but would really like to make more friends of a similar age to me (I am 24, female, not a weirdo). I have tried going to a few evening classes/events etc.. and am regularly involved with a local community group, but most of the people I have met through this, lovely though they are are a lot older than I am and have families/children/commitments.


I'd like to meet people of a similar age for socialising, going out, watching films, seeing live music, going to the pub etc.. NB. I'm not looking for dating/singles specific things as have a long term boyfriend.


Any suggestions much appreciated, particularly for specific events/things people go to or have met people through.


Thanks :-)

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Are you interested in dancing classes? Myself and a couple of friends started going to a street dance class on a Wednesday evening at Hype Dance Academy a few weeks ago and it's really friendly and a good workout at the same time! We've only been going three weeks and have already been out for a drink after class with a couple of the girls there - it's really relaxed, most people are in their mid-twenties.


Also, check out http://www.voxsheffield.com - I randomly got talking to one of the organisers through Twitter, after having not heard of Vox before, and they do all kinds of things - performance/poetry reciting/comedy nights. I've yet to go to any of those events but they do also host a book club once a month which I've just started going along to - again it's really friendly and informal - I was a bit nervous about going along for the first time after not having gone to a book club before and feel a bit worried that it would be a bit high-brow but it's very down to earth.


Hope some of this helps :)

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I was just about to post a similar thread. I've lived in Sheffield on and off for a few years, but most of my friends have now moved away.


I'm looking to join a netball team at the moment to try and meet some womed around my age (25) but it would nice just to get to know some other girls in my situation who just want to go out for a drink or explore the city.


Please keep me posted if you decide to get together. I want to the Hpye classes for a while a couple of years ago but I was pretty useless. I could give it another shot though!



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Hi Jen and Annika and thanks for your replies - it's comforting to know that there are a few of us in the same boat!


I'm pretty rubbish at dancing I'm afraid (that is actual dance moves rather than just bopping along!) so I'll prob steer clear of dance classes, but thanks for the suggestion :-)


I think after a while if enough people are interested then maybe we could get a group together and go for a drink/organise some kind of meet up.


Thanks for replying so quickly :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...



I too have lived here in Sheffield for a few years now and love it here, however, many of my friends have moved away for jobs, new families etc and so would love to meet some new people. It seems to be a little trickier not being a student any more to meet new people of a similar age.


I went to Hype Dance for a while and its great. I havent been in a while though.


But for those who dont fancy dance, I think it sounds like a great idea to try and meet up for a drink or something sometime


Claire x

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Why not give the walking group a try it is advertised on here under Sheffield Interest Groups or you can go directly to their website http://shamblers.forumotion.co.uk/


They have plenty going off apart from walks, (even though the walks are really good with different types of walks to suit everyone) these include evenings out to the cinema, bowling alley, quiz nights, brewery outings also weekends away to Wales, Scarborough and even a week in Turkey.

Its a great way of making new friends and alot of the members see each other outside of the Walking group events and have formed some great friendships.

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Why not give the walking group a try it is advertised on here under Sheffield Interest Groups or you can go directly to their website http://shamblers.forumotion.co.uk/


They have plenty going off apart from walks, (even though the walks are really good with different types of walks to suit everyone) these include evenings out to the cinema, bowling alley, quiz nights, brewery outings also weekends away to Wales, Scarborough and even a week in Turkey.

Its a great way of making new friends and alot of the members see each other outside of the Walking group events and have formed some great friendships.


That's not all some of them have formed ;)

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I'm in the same boat ladies! I'm 26, been in Sheff 3 years. Met a few people, but would really enjoy more female company of the same age! Most people at the school where I work are 40+. Would love to meet up for something - others have discussed things like this in the past and have held bowling nights, pub meet ups etc but I've never been available for one. Let me know if you all fancy meeting up.

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