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Nether Edge - problems with youths


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Was just wondering if anyone else has had problems with youths in nether edge. I was punched out the blue by a lad on sheldon rd on saturday night, he was only a kid but had a mate with him. The police dont seem to want to know because i said i had been the pub and had a drink, well they asked if i'd had a drink and i politey said i had.


I was walking home with a pizza and bang, and i thought i lived in a decent area

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That's awful to hear, I hope you're ok. Funnily enough, I paid my first ever visit to Nether Edge just this afternoon having moved to Abbeydale Road from Rotherham some weeks ago. I was just telling a friend how nice it seemed up there; I had bought some lovely local chilli sauce at Zeds and had half a Moonshine in the Byron House. I hope to God your incident was an isolated one because I had been planning to wander up there again one evening in the near future.


That said, I'm 6ft tall and about the same across, so if that kid wants to try the same thing with me, it'll be the last time he does! :hihi:

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hi danny, i admit i was drunk, it was sat night, merrily strolling home, there were to of them, i was not in a state to defend myself, i have lived here for 6 years, never had a problem, but this has rocked me, especially the disgusting attitude from the police.

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hi danny, i admit i was drunk, it was sat night, merrily strolling home, there were to of them, i was not in a state to defend myself, i have lived here for 6 years, never had a problem, but this has rocked me, especially the disgusting attitude from the police.


I suppose you can only write it off as 'one of those things' a 'wrong place at the wrong time' scenario. I hope it doesn't totally tarnish your view of what seems to be an otherwise lovely part of Sheffield. Truth be told though, nothing makes my blood boil like morons like that...


...and I'll let you decide if I'm referring to the youths or the police! :rant:

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hi danny, i admit i was drunk, it was sat night, merrily strolling home, there were to of them, i was not in a state to defend myself, i have lived here for 6 years, never had a problem, but this has rocked me, especially the disgusting attitude from the police.
If you're not happy, and I don't see how anyone could be, take it further. E-mail the local Safer Neighbourhood Team, copy the Chief Constable, your MP and local councillors in on the email.


After all, we're paying for the police to police the streets and keep us safe. This laissez-faire attitude just isn't good enough. There's been several incidents with violent youths in that area just reported on this Forum alone. How many others go by without comment?


btw, do we know which police officer is representing your particular area on SF? Maybe they'd care to comment?

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Hello shaky...

were they asian by any chance? Don't worry I won't play the race card...lol.

I am asian anyway...

The reason I ask is cos there seems to be loads of fighting up that end...always seem to be asian.

Need a god kicking if you ask me..

hope you were ok..

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I moved here 13 years ago, and it's always had a dodgy element - I recall the police wrestling with a couple with guns in the house next door to me when I lived on Thornsett Rd about 12 years ago... Another time when I couldn't get back on to my street as there was a man with a gun wandering about... Another time walking towards what is now Waitrose but was then Safeway and a guy trying to rob my watch... However, the police were always interested then, but not anymore... The couple of times I've had to call them regarding undesirables in Netheredge, they haven't responded well... Looking at the forums, it seems that they don't respond well to many Netheredge/Sharrow incidents, as they just don't know what to do about these kids without their parents kicking up a almighty fuss... Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and tackle these things - Hopefully the police will stop worrying about what people will say about them, and start treating all criminals the same...

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Lived in Abbeydale Road area about a year and it's becoming a very unsettling/unpleasant place to live. Put it like this, we don't go out now after 11pm, saying that my partner (and reports of others) got knocked to the ground at around lunch time on the way to tesco, by a group of asian teenagers. Alarm is on at night, security lights on the back. We have a 10 month old baby and have been saving every penny to get out of here as fast as we can, will make a loss on the house, but don't care, it's not a place we would want our child to grow up in, it's turning into an awful place day and night, the police do nothing what-so-ever even though we have had to call them countless times, they have no interest.


Here's just a sample of recent incidents, stabbings, fights, assaults etc etc etc










Do yourself a favour and be on your guard, be aware and keep safe.

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There's a group of children on Empire Road who seem to think its funny to throw stones and shout abuse every time i walk past them. What can you do. kids being kids. I'd like to think its not racial and they're just cheeky little <insert expletive of choice>. I've lived on Sharrow/Netheredge for 15 years, since moving to the Empire road area, in last last four years there's been a double murder, and I believe two gang related drive by shooting. In the last two months I've seen the aftermath of someone's brutal attack on a young women near Broadfield Rd Tesco.

Luckily (touch wood) I've never been harmed, though once i did have a group of youths attack my home and attempt entry on my back door with baseball bats and crowbars at 2pm in the afternoon, mistaken identity, and me sleeping through the attack aided me that day.

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