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Pitsmoor in the 60s

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I was born in the slums in Pitsmoor in 1959 on Grove Street, and most of the family lived on or around Fowler Street.

I don,t remember much if anything about that area apart from what i,ve been told as i was born in 1959 and fortunatly that area was about to be demolished to make way for the modern Pitsmoor we see now, which again is about to be demolished.

We moved to Woodseats in 1961 and according to my mum who was born and bred in Fowler street was full of snotty white collar workers, our next door neighbour being a rent collector thinking he was a top accountant and Dad working the building sites Odd carrying who did,nt fit in with these middle class wannabees so we moved on to the all new Pitsmoor and being the first to move into our new massonette on Andover Drive.

We all went to Pye Bank which was run by that great authourtarian Mr Cook and we made a lot of friends throughout our time in Pitsmoor which spanned from 1963 to 1976.

I lived at number 67 and i know that people especially the seniors of our generation always keep saying that these days people don,t care or mix like the older days but there very right that locals then were always looking out for one another and some of my biggest mates today are the kids of then from Woodside.

Did you live in Pitsmoor during the sixtys, whats your opinion or maybe you lived in the old Pitsmoor and think the newly built one was,nt the same as the old one.

I would be interested in your views.

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  • 5 months later...

I, too, went to Pye Bank School in the mid to late 60's and knew Andover Drive well, I lived there. I left the area in 1973 and left Sheffield for good in 1982. I popped back once in 1989 and was amazed to see how far the area had degenerated. I never went back again, as it spoilt too many memories. It is a shame, though, to find out that it is to be demolished. What are they going to build there?


As I said, I have a lot of memories. Some good, some bad. Such as:


My mothers share number for the Co-op (Stores) at the top of Andover Street (School Board Hill to some).

Mrs Andrews (the tyrant) at Pye Bank School who took over from Mr Jenkinson when he died part way through the year. Great teacher but had a huge jaw.

Watching the coal being delivered for the school boiler.

Getting free ride (for all of 5 yards) in some old guy's Ford Anglia as he parked it in his garage under the maisonettes on the odd side of Andover Drive.

The concert room in the Loco Club. Getting bottled (non-alchohol) shandy and pretending it was real beer when I went in with my dad. He was on the committee. Having to be quiet during the bingo, as well.


I have some old photo's of Andover Drive somewhere that I took when I was eight years old. If I can find then (I last saw them about 6 years ago) I will scan them in and display them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi mickey

just to let you know ...the tea gardens is all boarded up now.

the plan is to open it as a community centre in the future ......all the masionettes accross the road are also knocked down ....just spare grass land now .....

hope this ....helps your curiousity



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Originally posted by superCol

I, too, went to Pye Bank School in the mid to late 60's and knew Andover Drive well, I lived there. I left the area in 1973 and left Sheffield for good in 1982. I popped back once in 1989 and was amazed to see how far the area had degenerated. I never went back again, as it spoilt too many memories. It is a shame, though, to find out that it is to be demolished. What are they going to build there?


As I said, I have a lot of memories. Some good, some bad. Such as:


My mothers share number for the Co-op (Stores) at the top of Andover Street (School Board Hill to some).

Mrs Andrews (the tyrant) at Pye Bank School who took over from Mr Jenkinson when he died part way through the year. Great teacher but had a huge jaw.

Watching the coal being delivered for the school boiler.

Getting free ride (for all of 5 yards) in some old guy's Ford Anglia as he parked it in his garage under the maisonettes on the odd side of Andover Drive.

The concert room in the Loco Club. Getting bottled (non-alchohol) shandy and pretending it was real beer when I went in with my dad. He was on the committee. Having to be quiet during the bingo, as well.


I have some old photo's of Andover Drive somewhere that I took when I was eight years old. If I can find then (I last saw them about 6 years ago) I will scan them in and display them.

I may know you as i to used to get a lift in that same Ford Anglia, actually was'nt it a disabled car about half the size of a Ford Anglia.

I to went in the Loco club and lived on the Drive.

School board hill, yes i forgot about that, i rember my mates dad over turning his Ford Anglia at the bottom of it in 1967 and Hancocks at the other side where we used to parafin from.

Can you remember Mrs Weekly the blind woman on Gray St, we used to do all her shopping and the woman next door to her Ivy the terrable, she use to frighten us.

If you knew her you would know what i mean.

Hey get back in touch with me and we can have a chat, or PM me.

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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

I may know you as i to used to get a lift in that same Ford Anglia, actually was'nt it a disabled car about half the size of a Ford Anglia.

I to went in the Loco club and lived on the Drive.

School board hill, yes i forgot about that, i rember my mates dad over turning his Ford Anglia at the bottom of it in 1967 and Hancocks at the other side where we used to parafin from.

Can you remember Mrs Weekly the blind woman on Gray St, we used to do all her shopping and the woman next door to her Ivy the terrable, she use to frighten us.

If you knew her you would know what i mean.

Hey get back in touch with me and we can have a chat, or PM me.


Hi Cycleracer, I've just sent you a PM.


I'm pretty sure that the car was an Anglia. As 2 or 3 of us got in at the same time, I can't see it being a disabled car. I do remember one though, but never got in it. The blind woman or Ivy the terrible don't ring any bells but then again, nearly 30 years of serious drinking has destroyed a few brain cells.


As for Hancocks, was that the shop that was opposite the White House (chip shop). I have faint memories of climbing over a back wall to steal pop bottles (oops) and then take them round the front to collect the deposit on them! Must have been in the late 60's.


I take it that most of Andover Drive and Gray Street have now been demolished. Have the tower blocks at the top of Andover Drive gone too? If anyone has any photo's of the area before, during or after demolition, I would be very interested. If anyone has any other info, an ex-pat would like to know.

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Hi Colin

Thanks for the PM i'll be in touch.

However regarding the above i don't have photos but i have video and i will send you it.

The flats went in the early 90s and they built small houses on the site.

The block you lived on went somewhat after as it was not there last year when i went back to film it.

I left in 1976 though i cannot remember you going before me.

I will return and take some photos and mail them to you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I used to live on Montfort Rd. in the 40s 50s then pulled down in the 60s. Listening to you talk about Pye Bank school was interesting. Do you remember Goodmans bread shop further up from the shop called Inasons i think, this was top of Rock Lane.Also there was a fresh fish shop near the Post Office called Handleys. I was in the Boys Brigade at Andover st Church. Used to go for a pint underage at the Rock in after our club nights on Friday. Could talk for ages about old Pitsmoor if anybody interested.

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