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Does anyone have memories of the early morning weekend trains that used to run full of fishermen from Wadley Bridge Station to the rivers in Lincolnshire. I was a youngster and my brother used to take me on Sundays. The trains were always full and used to run through Saxilby then through Lincoln on to the river Witham. My memories are a little hazy but i can remember Five Mile House, Bardney, Sourhery and Stixwould. I now live in Lincolnshire and would love to hear any stories of what is one of the happiest times of my childhood.

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I remember going on these fishermen's excursion trains in the late 1950s and early 1960s, with my uncle and older brother. I think the trains ran to Woodhall Junction, calling at Gainsborough, Saxilby, Lincoln, Washingborough, Five Mile House, Bardney, Southrey and Stixwould, but sometimes the train would continue to Dogdyke, Langrick and Boston. You would often see the same people week after week, and there was a lot of "camaraderie" on the train, especially among the regulars. And of course, on the way home there would be lots of stories (true, usually...) about the fish we'd caught - or just failed to catch... ;) Happy days!.:)

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Hi all,

I remember the fishing trains with fond memories, being a young lad of about 10-12years of age and sitting with all the Misters. Catching the first bus into town along with many more into the Wicker, and running up the stairs to the Victoria Station, and having to sit in the guards van on your basket all the way to Bardney because the coaches were all full. I was taken there by a couple of Grimesthorpe men, Joe Boot and Sam Wilkes along with another young lad whos name escapes me right now, everyone looked happy, no money but happy.

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Remember those trains, used to catch them from Victoria station.

We were about 12 / 13 and was always in a dash up the slope to make sure we didn't miss it.

Once lost my ticket on the way back and the bloke just let me through. Think it was something like 10p (2/- in proper money!!).

Used to go to 5 mile house and there was a footbridge over the Witham, for some reason we used to fish in the dyke at over the other side.

At Bardney we used to walk back up the railway line and then you crossed a railway bridge to cross higher up. Used to scare me s***less cos there wasn't anything between you and the river if you tripped.

Great days, used to alternate between the train and Jeffcocks coaches.

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Does anyone have memories of the early morning weekend trains that used to run full of fishermen from Wadley Bridge Station to the rivers in Lincolnshire. I was a youngster and my brother used to take me on Sundays. The trains were always full and used to run through Saxilby then through Lincoln on to the river Witham. My memories are a little hazy but i can remember Five Mile House, Bardney, Sourhery and Stixwould. I now live in Lincolnshire and would love to hear any stories of what is one of the happiest times of my childhood.


i remember those trains me and my mate would have to walk into sheffield from gleadless valley at 4am to catch a train at victoria station we used to go to linclnshire on or around the witham great days for a 13yr old

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I was in a pub in Spilsby a couple of years ago and bumped into a dozen fishermen from Sheffield and had a good chat. They were regulars - whether they went by train - I doubt it, but obviously keen anglers still make regular trips to Lincolnshire.

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I remember going fishing on the trains with my father in the late 50s early 60s. We went from the old Victoria station (climbing all them steps with the tackle) they seemed to be hundreds of fishermen in the ticket hall.

We went to Saxilby.Five Mile House, Southery,(remember the ferry) and Kirkshead (Woodhall Junction) and walking up to the Martins Delph.

Happy days, good people, long ago but not forgotten.

Tight Lines to all.


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Yes the trains were always full. We were lucky being near Wadsley Bridge and with it being where the train left from we always got a seat, having said that further down the line if the train was full my big brother would make me stand up to let one of the old lads sit down (would'nt happen know). Can anyone remember the lady at Southery who used to sell mugs of tea and stuff like kit kats through her front window. She used to have a wooden shutter that let down into a seving hatch. Coming off the Parson Cross and seeing the scenery and space down in Lincolnshire i always said i would like to live there one day and now i do. The train track is now a cycle route which follows the old train route. It goes from a place called Harby just above Lincoln and runs all the way to boston. It is really worth a visit you can walk or cycle and see all thats left of the old stations.A good place to pick the route up is Washingborough that will cut out having to go through Lincoln town centre. There is a fantastic tearoom with old photos and memorabelia in the old station at Bardney where they play the sound effects of the steam trains. Its called the Water Railway look it up on line or go there it will bring the memories flooding back.

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