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Running to Peterborough and need help

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I'm training for a charity run from Sheffield to Peterborough - 4 marathons in 4 days. I'm not the greatest of runners and certainly not the best at looking after myself so need some help!


If you know of any ultra-silly runners or other people who can help with advice on

- training,

- nutrition - how I recover after long training runs (it's killing me at the moment!),

- maybe if you're a physio who wouldn't mind lending your hands with the odd massage

- help with other prep like plotting routes - are you an event organiser?


I'd really appreciate any help or pointing in the direction of people who can help!


I've now told everyone I am going to do it so there's no backing out now!!



p.s. If you want to read more about the run, go to http://www.mygreatrun.com - it's for the Sheffield Children's Charity and the Multiple Sclerosis Trust

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