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Agency workers to have nearly the same rights as others

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from today agency workers are to be given more rights at work on a par with workers on the books . its a pity the agency worker has to wait 12 weeks before this kicks in.


The employers will just find another way to get round the laws of the land.

The employment agencies are making billions from the employment laws as they stand. God alone knows how much the NHS, for one, is paying over to the employment agencies.

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The employers will just find another way to get round the laws of the land.

The employment agencies are making billions from the employment laws as they stand. God alone knows how much the NHS, for one, is paying over to the employment agencies.

yes i agree so shouldnt the employers be taking these people on full time ? i know someone who has worked for the same agency employed by the council for going on 4 years now. i agree in short term placements (people off sick/pregnancy leave etc) but why is the gov letting companies get away with this ? do they want the workers of this country to have no rights to company pensions/redundancies etc ?
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yes i agree so shouldnt the employers be taking these people on full time ? i know someone who has worked for the same agency employed by the council for going on 4 years now. i agree in short term placements (people off sick/pregnancy leave etc) but why is the gov letting companies get away with this ? do they want the workers of this country to have no rights to company pensions/redundancies etc ?


That is precisely what they want.

I work at a place where the shift men have been employed on agency for just under two years.

They have now transferred them on to company contracts, at a loss per annum for the men, of about £7000.

I then have to try to motivate these men to work hard.

Morale throughout the working class is at rock bottom.

The senior managers we have are all placemen, and have no idea of how to motivate and control people.

If we do not get a proper government very soon, which can sort out basic issues as this, then the future is grim indeed.

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The atmosphere in the country at present is very like the early 80's.

Demoralisation, and malcontent.

The trouble is that this time around we have nothing left to sell, no easy wars to make us feel better.

I have a feeling that we are truly done this time, we saved the world in the 1940's, and now the world has pensioned us off.

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having looked into this a little further ive found that the 12 week rule only applies in this country . so if you work for an agency who then send you to say france all these new rules apply from day one why has the gov let this happen seeing as were all in the eu :huh:

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I'm all for improving the rights of agency workers. However if this going to be the case they should also have the same recruitment process for agency workers as they do at the place they work. Where I work my interview was pretty brutal and difficult. When agency staff come they just have a friendly chat not an interview or any kind of application process. I know they have done this at the agency but lets be honest here the agencies don't do very rigorous interviews/applications. I know this from my own experience of a couple of agencies. I would feel pretty peeved that someone could get all the same perks without going through the stringent recruitment process.


The temps that have always been hired where I work have nearly always done the duties no one else wants to do e.g. photocopying, filing. However if they are being hired to do the same job as a permanent person on an ongoing basis I agree their benefits should be improved.

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