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Public Speaking- Any Tips?

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i did have a little check first to see if there was a thread about this before i started a new one, but i couldnt find anything.


ive been asked to give a talk at sheffield university on thursday about my crafty business...but this isnt something i have ever done before, well, not in person anyway!


ill be honest, im a little nervous, so i was wondering if anybody had any experience or tips they could share?


im thinking as a basic plan to cover the following:


intro- my background, training, how i got started

what i do- my roles within the business, how/where i sell

the future- where i want the business to go

questions from the floor


does this sound sensible and what things do you think would be key information for potential new start-ups?


thanks in advance :)





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I think I'd be tempted to find out exactly what the Uni want the students to get out of your talk. Is it about how to set up a company? self employment? the pitfalls?

You'll get a better respone if you frame your talk around the students' learning needs

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I think I'd be tempted to find out exactly what the Uni want the students to get out of your talk. Is it about how to set up a company? self employment? the pitfalls?

You'll get a better respone if you frame your talk around the students' learning needs



Also if it is your first time, imagine you are speaking to just one person.

Another tip is.... you can't have too much prepared material.

Don't be afraid to involve the audience.

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Use cards with bullet points on.

Number the cards in case you drop them.

Don't read to the cards, just use them as aide-mémoires.

Rehearse your speech as often as you can.

Time your speech.

Ensure your audience knows whether or not they can ask questions during your presentation.

Plus loads of other things which I can't think of at the moment.


Remember: they asked you to do this, you're not forcing yourself on them.


Good luck.

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When speaking to you audience try not to get fixated on one person as you may lose the rest..scan the group (making sure you turn your head) this way all the students will think you are talking to them.


Pause as often as you need to...although a few seconds pause may feel, to you, like hours.


I agree with the others comments to, so add them all together and you'll have a great time


Good luck

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Use cards with bullet points on.

Number the cards in case you drop them.

Don't read to the cards, just use them as aide-mémoires.

Rehearse your speech as often as you can.

Time your speech.

Ensure your audience knows whether or not they can ask questions during your presentation.

Plus loads of other things which I can't think of at the moment.


Remember: they asked you to do this, you're not forcing yourself on them.


Good luck.


Brilliant tips! Would also add


Practice, Practice, Practice

Remember to breathe! At a natural break, imagine speaking the words "I pause and I breathe"- honestly, it works.

Before you go "on stage" loosen up- shake hands, legs, breathe deeply- anything to loosen up. If you are going to hold things, this is a great way to stop "the shakes".

Be hydrated- take water with you, if you dry up.

Practice, practice, practice


Good Luck, and wow them :)

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...and don't simply read what you have put up on your slides, they are there to expand on what you are talking about.


Enjoy...you've nothing to lose (in terms of customers); it is a great opportunity to practice public speaking for when it might really matter.


In fact don't prepare slides at all. It distracts them from you. Maybe a slideshow at the end if you need to show photos of products etc.

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In fact don't prepare slides at all. It distracts them from you. Maybe a slideshow at the end if you need to show photos of products etc.


to be honest, this was the option i was going to go with useing both shoot and product shots of my work and i was going to have it running whilst i talked...maybe ill think twice about that after all.


thanks so much for all your replies, there is some great advcie in there...i just hope i get the time to have lots of practice, its not long now!




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