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Smoking banned in all pubs & clubs

do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?  

259 members have voted

  1. 1. do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?

    • yes i back the ban
    • no i don't back the ban

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I 100% back a total ban on smoking in public, I just don't think it will ever happen while the jobsworths drag their feet over the issue :rant:


Most we'll get under Blair is a ban on smoking where food is sold or consumed, which is better than nothing but still not good :(

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being a smoker who is hoping to give it up this week, i agree to some extent.


Yes, it should be banned in restaurants and places were children are present but i dont think it should be banned in pubs/clubs etc.


I understand that not all people who go to pubs/clubs are smokers but surely to counteract this they should have a well ventilated smokers area????.


and as for banning smoking in the workplace, shouldnt people be WORKING and not smoking???. Fair enough, in my line of work i do smoke while i work but i am in a seperate office to customers and there are only two of us in this office and we both smoke. If i do pack it in i dont expect my colleague not to light up when she wants a fag.

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I think that the world would be a nicer place for non-smokers if smokers understood and cooperated with the fact that most non-smokers have no wish to share second hand smoke. Previously one of the arguments that support allowing smoking in public has been that smokers are in the majority of the population, but that is no longer the case.

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Yeah, I really dislike smoking. It seems like smokers only do it because their addiction forces them to and it's truly unpleasant. I have a few friends that smoke and to me as a non-drinker, waking up with a hangover from breathing in second hand smoke after a night in a pub sat next to them really annoys me (not to mention the fact that as a molecular biologist I actually know what it's doing to me and know that it's having a direct negative effect on all aspects of my physiology, reducing my lifespan and my cognitive and athletic function, both of which I need). I can still smell the smoke on my hair today and had to put clothes to wash that would have been serviceable for another day or two.


I could understand it in a way if it were pleasurable, but I don't even think most smokers really enjoy it, I know a few people who really want to give up but are having trouble shaking it. The entire cigarette industry just seems a joyless parasite hanging on society's shoulders and it's well time we were rid of it.

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Hell yeah! Does this include out in the street though or is it just enclosed public spaces?


I'd love for smoking to be banned full stop but that's not going to happen - too much money is made by the government from the sale of cigarettes and it would only go black market like other drugs and still be available anyway. There is an argument aswell that if you're out in the open air who can stop you from smoking? It's a free country and all that - err, well kinda. I imagine it would be very difficult to enforce aswell.


I really hate walking down the street behind someone who is smoking though. I hate the smell of it and getting a faceful if the wind is blowing in a particular direction. I always try to get ahead of them, which is difficult sometimes, but I can hardly expect them to not be able to smoke outside.


It would be nice to be able to go out and not come home stinking, with a sore throat and tight chest. I can see the other side of the argument, that when people go out they want to enjoy themselves, relax, have a drink, a fag, whatever and that they're paying for the priviledge, but if I have to breathe their smoke I'm paying for it too with my health so putting it in an extreme way they're helping to murder me!


Guess I get my own back tho as I drive and I've had that conversation before, that breathing in car fumes does as much damage etc etc. I dunno - something is gonna kill us in this imperfect world we live in, but as it's my current comfort that concerns me, in that second hand smoke gives me a headache and makes me cough and feel sick I say bring on the bans!

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