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The stories kids tell their parents

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After reading many threads on SF about the injustices that kids suffer, I thought I'd start a thread on the topic. I'm talking about parents who believe every single word their offspring tell them. I'm convinced that there are parents out there (some who post on SF) who would believe their kids if they came home with a dog turd painted green and told them that it came from a green dog!!! I know one such mum and dad personally. Anyone else?

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My Mum used to ask me every day when I got back from junior school, what I had for my dinner. I either couldn't be bothered to think, couldn't be bothered to speak, or just didn't want to talk to her, I cant remember, but I do remember I always said "Curry and rice" - Which we did have a lot, but it was a choice of several things, and this was one of the choices on 2 days of the week. I said it so often that it prompted her to complain to the school, as I didn't like curry, so she thought I wasn't eating anything :hihi:

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I remember my eldest daughter going to school one day and apparently by dinnertime she had 'broken her arm', she says now she was after the sympathy vote. She put her arm inside her jumper, told the teacher on dinner duty she had broken her arm so she was put to the front of the queue, had her dinner cut up for her and was allowed to use just the fork instead of both the knife and fork. It was only at the end of the dinner time when the teacher just happened to say to her Y2 teacher, ''what's this about Stefanie breaking her arm?'' and her own teacher was, like ''what, she was alright this morning''.

When she came in from playing out she remembers them unzipping her coat to find a perfectly fine arm. I can't remember exactly what the teacher said to me but I know she came to find me in the playground and tell me about my daughters 'joke'.

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Slightly off topic. When I was 8 we were sat eating our Sunday lunch when my brother came in with his girlfriend, they were both 16. My brother was a clumsy sort and always had the most fantastic excuses as to how he broke things, like when he broke the front door he said the police had been looking for someone hiding and they had kicked it off (leaving no damage to the door only the glass in it :) ) and he had put the door back on but couldn't mend the window, the police didn't leave a note or letter of course.

While we were all sat there he took a deep breath and blurted out 'Dad, Susan's pregnant' quick as a flash my Dad said 'let me guess your trousers fell off and you tripped over?'

I know I shouldn't but I still laugh now .:hihi:

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