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Museums Sheffield suffers devastating budget blow


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Museums Sheffield has vowed to appeal after discovering today it has been unsuccessful in its funding application to the Arts Council England’s Renaissance Major Grants programme. Museums Sheffield had applied for £1.4m per year for the next three years – cash which would have replaced and built on an outgoing national funding stream the Trust has received since 2004. Museums Sheffield, which has suffered significant reductions in funding from other sources in the past three years, must now manage a crushing 30% reduction in its overall budget from 1 April 2012.


The reduction in funding will have a huge impact on museum and gallery provision in Sheffield. Museums Sheffield is responsible for the Millennium Gallery, Graves Gallery, and Weston Park museum. Though Sheffield City Council have pledged that the annual funding they provide for Museums Sheffield will mean no museums or galleries in the city will close, the quality of service offered to visitors in those buildings will decline significantly. Large scale staff redundancies, major reductions in exhibition programmes, and scaled down learning provision for schools/adults are all now inevitable.


More on the Museums Sheffield website http://www.museums-sheffield.org.uk/blog/2012/1/museums-sheffield-suffers-devastating-budget-blow

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one aspect could be to start charging, other have had to, why not sheffield?


I agree. That and seeking commercial sponsorship. In times of plenty we could probably afford these museums funded by the taxpayer, nowadays a few quid to get in and some corporate logos won't be the end of the world.

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I agree. That and seeking commercial sponsorship. In times of plenty we could probably afford these museums funded by the taxpayer, nowadays a few quid to get in and some corporate logos won't be the end of the world.


Would Sheffielders pay "a few quid" to get in the museums?

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