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What are our emerging technology markets?

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We keep hearing about these emerging markets that we need to be getting into, but what are they? Why are we better suited than say, Taiwan?



I keep hearing about graphene, but who is the kahunas and has the where with-all to do anything?





What's this Mary Portas's The Bottom Line all about tonight on Channel 4?

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We're no better suited, but we're no worse suited either. It's about whoever gets the industry up & running first. Once we've got the raw material suppliers & people making finished goods, the whole supply chain in one place, then it becomes cheaper to make it here than anywhere else.

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We're no better suited, but we're no worse suited either. It's about whoever gets the industry up & running first. Once we've got the raw material suppliers & people making finished goods, the whole supply chain in one place, then it becomes cheaper to make it here than anywhere else.


With modern shipping and haulage is that true? Sometimes it sounds cheaper to send prawns to the far East for an intermediary process.


The question is, how do we get involved?

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I know nothing about graphene, but since it's obviously something to do with modern technology and science, the fact that we are one of the largest manufacturing countries in the world in that area must surely make us suitable.


It also looks an expensive business too, would need investment.


Is it because it's an emerging market that it affects the cost for the reason that there is no pre-existing second generation equipment and trained staff available.




What about nano technology, the buzz has been about for ages, but how can it be used today?




I did look a while back and there is already a good second hand market for some of this nano kit...

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Doesn't matter who does it first, the technique will be copied and exploited by other countries


Yeah, but what about being part of the crest of the wave, play with the new tech, then pass it on the the manufactures to build it for you, then get the next newest tech to play with... sound fun?




Is an emerging market particular to new technology or does it concern trends and market demand?

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Yeah, but what about being part of the crest of the wave, play with the new tech, then pass it on the the manufactures to build it for you, then get the next newest tech to play with... sound fun?


It's basically what we've been doing for decades. Let other countries do the grunt jobs, making steel, bricks, and such like - we produce high-tech equipment and cutting-edge technology.

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It's basically what we've been doing for decades. Let other countries do the grunt jobs, making steel, bricks, and such like - we produce high-tech equipment and cutting-edge technology.


So why don't we also use it? We've got a need and a willing workforce (?)

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