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Did anyone here go to Wisewood Comp?


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I left in '88 so I'm sorry if I'm a bit too elderly to join this party.


Was Mr Storr the English literature and language genius there during your time? He was a brilliant teacher and a great bloke. I'd love to meet him again. Mrs Thompson, (Sociology and English), was a great teacher too, in fact all the English dept. people deserve a big up for their insight, their way with the kids, their care and enthusiasm.


Mr Dobson was the only P.E teacher I've met or even heard of who wasn't a sadistic tyrant. In fact he was warm, egalitarian and encouraging to the kids who were crap at sport.


There was a guidance teacher whose name I can't remember. He played the drums and looked a little like Alan Arkin crossed with Tony Robinson. I was always fond of him for his easygoing manner and clever mind.



There were a few more good 'uns whose names I can't remember.



I don't want to dwell on the ones I didn't like. Looking back I can see that most of the seemingly unpleasant ones were stressed out and wretched from turning up every day trying to fill our vacant, disinterested heads with knowledge that we didn't care about. I bet they were fresh and idealistic at one point.


However, a D minus and a 'See me after class' for a bequiffed metal work teacher with 'anger management issues' who tried to smash my hand with a hammer for the crime of... using the wrong chisel!


I never cared too much for Dr. Wilcox either and, I believe, history has justified my dislike but let us not linger on that sorry case...

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I went between 1988-1993.


The names I can remeber are


Mrs Ross

Mr Davies

Mr Skidmore

Mr Crompton

Mr Dobson

Mr Leavey

Miss Cathcart

Mrs Stephens




Im stuck now but I am sure I will think of some more.

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i started at Wisewood in '98,


liked Miss Latimer and the french teacher who left to have a baby(cant remember her name)


HATED!!! Miss Harlow!


cant really remember any other teachers lol


Miss Harlow, I got on well with her.


Ive just remembered that there was 2 Mr Davies, one did the PE and the other one did Woodwork

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I left wisewood in 1993, can't really remember many names though! mr Mcgreavy was my history teacher, miss michaelak ( or however you spell it) was my english teacher, mr green, mr skidmore and Mrs laycock, she was the art teacher who is now head of another comp in sheffield somewhere round Fir vale I think? Anyone who is still at wisewood please say hello to Mr mcgreavy for me if he is still there???? He was a cool teacher (Natasha Osborne).

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Wow, this thread does bring back some memories. >.< !

I think I was there between 88-93... (is this the right number of years?) ...


Actually, I liked Dr Wilcox. He's a bit eccentric. He once said, 'All humans are selfish'. That mind-boggled me for years.


I owe it to Mr Green, and whoever that other science teacher was. (Can't recall his name now.) If they didn't make chemistry interesting for me, I wouldn't have gone on to do it as a degree.


I don't know how you guys can remember all the names actually...

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I was there 1990-95.


Faves were Miss Maud (Geography), Ms Carhart (German), Mr Storr (English), Mr Green (Science & pretty dishy!), Mr Moyle (Science).


Didn't like Mr Skidmore (as was mandatory!), Mr Green (Woodwork - deliberately damaged my GCSE coursework), Mr Ellison (Maths, the most useless teacher I have ever encountered).

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