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Islamic Society Speaker advocates killing Gays

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Sheffield Hallam University Islamic Society have cancelled one speaker, Jalal Ibn Sae'ed at short notice and replaced him with Murtaza Khan who had this to say;


"According to the Bible, the Bible says the person should be thrown down from a mountain and then stoned on top of that. That’s what Isa [Jesus] told you people. But they teach “no, you’re homophobic”. And those Christians who stand up against this abominable action, which goes against humanity, then they’re fundamentalists like us as well then.


I’m not homophobic. I believe in a natural way of life. I’m repeating you what your Bible tells you. In the hadith you find: “You find the people doing the action of Lot, kill the one who does the action and the one the action is being done to.”


The group monitoring extremists on campuses, Student Rights have picked up on it. The talk is scheduled to take place at the University this wednesday. Their previous 'event' was moved off-campus after several complaints from groups supporting LGBT issues.


I wonder how many brothers and sisters will attend the talk and believe every word this evil, deluded man utters.

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Oh ok then gays are evil but they are not evil for flying two planes into the Twin Towers and killing all those innocent people on September 11th, who did nothing wrong they were just going about their daily business, being gay is not a choice, you are born that way and these people make me sick with their ignorant, one sided religious rants. Why do these people feel the need to push their religion on others it also says in the Bible do unto others as you would have them do unto you Luke chapter 6 verse 31 it is the golden rule, perhaps this mad man should remember when he spouting rubbish about gays. :rant: :rant: :mad: :mad: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :confused: :confused:

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The bible does say this though. If you believe in the biblical god then these were his commands.


I don't know what I hate more, religious fundamentalism or picking and choosing from the bible what to follow based on society's current acceptable levels of intolerance.

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The bible does say this though. If you believe in the biblical god then these were his commands.


I don't know what I hate more, religious fundamentalism or picking and choosing from the bible what to follow based on society's current acceptable levels of intolerance.

Why bother with either?
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It's ok because these are only a radical minority and do not represent true Islam, just like the muslims who poison you girls for wanting an education, or the one that circumcise little girls or blame women for being raped and lets not forget the honour killings, all these have nothing to do with the majority of muslims we are told, but what is the response of the majority? I am sure that it is there somewhere but their collective voice and actions to stop this barbarism seems to be very muted and ineffective. What is alarming is the ease in which this minority are able to bring this vile medieval barbarism with them to this country and are able to practise it within their communities unhindered.

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