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Has anyone else noticed how nearly every garage`s toilet "is broken" ?

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Am I the only person to notice that most of the filling stations you go to (as a customer) and ask where the loo is you`re told "it`s broken", or "we don`t have one" !

The Jet garage up past High Green is guilty of this and (sometimes) so is the Shell garage up at Tankersley.

I think it`s bleedin` cheeky. Even if you forget about the fact they must be lying (what do the staff do, cross their legs all day ? ) let`s remember you`re spending £30, £40, £50 (or more) with them, yet they tell you that you can`t use their loo ! I think it`s appalling customer service. I let any of my customers (many of whom have spent far less) use our loo, I wouldn`t have the nerve to say no ! If me or my wife ever want to use the loo at a filling station I`m going to ask them before we fill up, and if they say we can`t, I`ll say forget it, we`ll go and spend our money elsewhere ! I think everyone should do that, then the garages would think twice about their crap customer service.

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Wow Justin you really are obsessed with garages and toilets if you don't mind my saying.


To be fair they are in the business of selling fuel and not a public convenience; they are probably on friendly terms with the guy who delivers the fuel and fear another conflict on the forecourt, and it is also probable that they have a water saving loo and don't want your skiddies staining the bowl.

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what was the response from the garage owners when you reported this ?


Wouldn't it be something along the lines of their being a petrol station, not a public convenience?



Frankly I'm mystified that anyone thinks this is grounds for complaint. They're supposed to sell petrol; if you need the toilet, go to a services or a public toilet.

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Having worked in an establishment with a toilet I can tell you that "customers" are often a rancid bunch of ******s who have no sense of hygiene or regard for others using the facilities or staff maitaining the premises and the people who have to clean up after them. This was often to the point of excrement smeared up the wall, pee all over the floor, dirty bog roll strewn around the room and vomit ejected over the entire room - and this is just on a normal day, not on a bad day when you end up with junkies leaving needles and bloody syringes in there.


You end up with staff called away from their duties to do cleaning that is not their job and they are often humiliated by customers who believe that just because they've spent some money all the staff should become their personal toilet attendants and drop everything to clean the conveniences if they have taken exception to something in the loo. It's horrible, disgusting and demeaning for the staff and cleaners to have to deal with the disgusting detrius the general public leave behind.


To be honest most places I know that refuse to let people use their conveniences or have restrictions would much rather go without your money than put up with the horrible disgusting results of opening their lavatory to the general public.

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Am I the only person to notice that most of the filling stations you go to (as a customer) and ask where the loo is you`re told "it`s broken", or "we don`t have one" !

The Jet garage up past High Green is guilty of this and (sometimes) so is the Shell garage up at Tankersley.

I think it`s bleedin` cheeky. Even if you forget about the fact they must be lying (what do the staff do, cross their legs all day ? ) let`s remember you`re spending £30, £40, £50 (or more) with them, yet they tell you that you can`t use their loo ! I think it`s appalling customer service. I let any of my customers (many of whom have spent far less) use our loo, I wouldn`t have the nerve to say no ! If me or my wife ever want to use the loo at a filling station I`m going to ask them before we fill up, and if they say we can`t, I`ll say forget it, we`ll go and spend our money elsewhere ! I think everyone should do that, then the garages would think twice about their crap customer service.


And then you'll have plenty of time to go behind a bush at the side of the road while you wait for the AA to bring you some petrol:hihi:

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Wouldn't it be something along the lines of their being a petrol station, not a public convenience?



Frankly I'm mystified that anyone thinks this is grounds for complaint. They're supposed to sell petrol; if you need the toilet, go to a services or a public toilet.


I'm not familiar with the stations mentioned by the OP,but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that filling stations on major routes have toilets for public use.From personal experience I can say that I have never been refused when I've asked to use the facilities.

I wonder if only staff toilets are available,refusal is something to do with a hygene issue,the owner being responsible for their staffs health and safety and that public use may compromise this.

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Why should a Petrol Station let you use their toilet?? Would you go into a clothes shop and expect to use theirs?


When staff say they havn't got a toilet, what they mean is they have no customer toilet. Of course they have one for the staff.


I work in a Petrol Station and we aren't allowed to let people in to use the toilet. It's breach of security. The toilet is right next to our office. We can't let random people in the back when we're counting the money for instance. Not to mention that all the employee's bags, coats, wallets, phones etc are all in the back too!

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