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So are mediums real or fake?

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or are they just some con artists or whatever you want to call them... my friend said that he met someone at the place he works at and he told him that he went with hia friend to see a medium at a church for free...and they both sat down and the medium said something about his friend and he was shocked as hell...


Has anyone here been to see a medium? And are they just con-artists, or can they really communicate with the dead?

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I personally don't believe in all that... I mean if someone's dead, how the chuff do they talk back to a medium who is talking to them when they're buried 6 feet underground in a coffin or their ashes are scattered somewhere God rest 'em?

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I think there's a prize on offer somewhere on the net of a million quid to anyone who can prove that it works. Or any other kind of paranormal stuff. Most of the time, like astrology, people are told/ hear just what they want to hear. Or its so vague, people respond with specifics, adn the medium just works this in.


'have you had someone pass over recently?'

'yes, my Uncle Ron'

'ah, i'm feeling a male presence'


What a load of cobblers.

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Originally posted by oxbeast

I think there's a prize on offer somewhere on the net of a million quid to anyone who can prove that it works. Or any other kind of paranormal stuff. Most of the time, like astrology, people are told/ hear just what they want to hear. Or its so vague, people respond with specifics, adn the medium just works this in.


'have you had someone pass over recently?'

'yes, my Uncle Ron'

'ah, i'm feeling a male presence'


What a load of cobblers.



That'd be James Randi, at http://www.randi.org who is offering $1M.


And no, mediums are fakes, frauds and liars.



Susie, I see a man, tall dark and handsome

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Originally posted by Warreng

or are they just some con artists or whatever you want to call them... my friend said that he met someone at the place he works at and he told him that he went with hia friend to see a medium at a church for free...and they both sat down and the medium said something about his friend and he was shocked as hell...


Has anyone here been to see a medium? And are they just con-artists, or can they really communicate with the dead?


It is the same as everything else in life, some are, some are not, nothing is black and white, there are always grey areas.

I beleive some are genuine, but also, I know that some are confidence tricksters, if we all ignored them, they would go away, it is all the gullable people among us who encourage them.


The thing to remember is that everyone is trying to take your money off you in some way, thieves, muggers, con - artists, business people, solicitors, credit card companies, banks, estate agents, women, petrol companies, so, if someone wants your money BEWARE. Sorry, got carried away.!!!:banana: :banana: :banana:

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I have not met one yet who I could say...yes that is very freaky I think you really are communicating with the dead.

Thinking about the ones I have met...all bar one were a few bob short and two in particular were an insult to the term con-artist.



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