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The Leadmill - Your opinions?


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I'm doing some research into people's perceptions of the Leadmill for my MA dissertation. Generally, the research is along the lines of its image, the brand, quality of nights, how it is perceived now and whether that has changed over time.


If anyone would be interested in expressing their opinions on this, then I'd be happy to hear from you. This might lead to a series of focus groups to take place in the near future, but a gauge of people's feelings on this would be a helpful start. Thanks.

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Usual towny nonsense- no different from any of those clubs in town that play chart s**te and are full of drunkards trying to get off with each other.


Very much playing to the lowest common denominator.

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Leadmill a place you either love it or hate it. For me Leadmill is the best club In sheffield, a place i have found memories of and may fabtastic nights out. The drinks aren't expensive, the club itself isn't over the top which is a good thing. There's hardly any trouble in there when I've been in.

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leadmill is cheap and cheerful


you get what u pay for, students love it cause it is cheap


i personally am not a big fan of it, although i do enjoy it when i go


monday nights are really good though, cheap drinks and good music, although not every1 wud agre on this

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In summary:


* Nasty industrial toilets


* Always a que at the bar


* No where to go for a 'wander' as you always meet a dead end (unless you go thru the loos)


* A good mix of music - usually summat to suit everyone if your in a big group


* Not what it used to be - now an rnb/indie top40 mish mash everynight - there used to be clear cut themed nights like La Videotach (80's) on a Weds, The Beat club (60's night) on Thurs, Rise (House/Dance music) on a Friday and Step on on Sats (Indie).


- The last 2 comments are contradictory I know!

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In the mid to late nineties it was by far the best night club in the city. It catered for everybody and did it well.


A friend of mine used to Dj in the Junction (second room at the beat club on a thursday night) as well as doing the second room on a saturday night when it became step on. It used to be called the joyrider until the music factory shut down. He also did some tuesday nights one summer.


As such i used to get in free and saw the place evolve from a really good club to what it is now. I think that in a bid to attract more and more custom, a lot of the nights have merged into one with the exception of saturday. The all try to appeal to the masses instead of a specific target audience and as such the place has lost a bit of its appeal.


Its still a good club, but its different nights need to establish their own identity properly again.

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i used to love monday nights at the leadmill, but it has changed so much and the door staff are so impolite and seem to turn people away just because they can. went there for a freinds birthday on mon night and they turned us away for being all males-how pathetic is that?i can understand on the security side of things but we could not have been more polite in assuring them we would not cause trouble and were there for the music(what leadmill used to be about) but they were so arrogant to us. We even got the girls in our group who were already inside to come to the door but they said they would still not let us in. They also told us not to bother going in separatley because they knew our faces and would turn us away. It was just a joke, the leadmill has no sense of customer service anymore, its just another commercial(must have lots of girls inside) club with a bad atmosphere. i used to boast the leadmill to my friends from other cities but i won't be doing that anymore.

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