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The Forum extension over public road

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How did the Forum get permission to extend towards Devonshire Green and get the adjacent road closed off?? :? The situation the traffic has to contend now in that area is now if you drive along Division St, there is no turning down to Washington Road, as the turning opposite the new West One development, is also closed. Where was the planning involved in this decision?

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This was truly amazing! :o


When I first saw the diggers and workmen I assumed they were re-surfacing the road. Then as the weeks went past I realised they were building an extension on top of the road!!


I'm hoping that in the future, Sheffield Forum will become a place where we can organise ourselves and make sure we protest about such kinds of developments.


We just need a few more people :wink: (hint-hint)



Edit (Nov 25): Well membership is now over 2,300... lol ... was about 100 when I originally wrote this!

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Would that be on as in by the side of or on as in literally on? Just wondering if this extension is being planned to go the other way too :wink:


I agree the planning decision on this one is a bit bizarre, but am in favour of the Forum expanding if it's successful (despite the fact I don't use the place). Wonder what alternatives there were.

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It's great that the forum is able to expand, it's built up a good reputation since it was started as being the place to go for, well the right lables and stuff,(is the Doc Martins shop still there ?) and also the bar is always packed at the weekend and I think is one of only a handfull of places to actually get a late licence.

When I read the description in the paper though I was abit confused as to where the extension was goin to be, when they said it would overspill on to the green in the summer i was thinking maybe the cars would get in the way of the summer drink sippers, it seems not.

It'll be interesting to see how it all works out, bigger traffic snarl up's I imagine, no matter how much lane reducing they do people are allways going to want to drive into and park in town.

If we do ever all have a face to face discussion/winge of the good and bad of living here the forum would be a good place, I think alchol could get some good discusions going!

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  • 9 months later...

The Forum bar:


The first bar in the devonshire green area to be granted a special hours certificate, at a time when the policy on special hours certificates in the area was "no way!" and the "late bar" was something the police frowned upon. (most of you know special hours certificate as late opening or a night club license).

How did this happen? Anyone know?


More recently, the forum has expanded, onto a piece of the PUBLIC HIGHWAY! WTF? Anyone in the pub trade or development industry will tell you "You cannot buy public highway!"

What happened here? The closure of this piece of road ONLY benefited forum and not any of the other land owners down that street.


The extension of which forum is the only building on the street looks like a swimming pool interior. The business of the nearby convienience store on the now "no through street" is said to be affected.


Something smells fishy. And it isn't the salmon being served in the "trendy" swimming pool interior of the extention.

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Originally posted by Pete1024

The closure of this piece of road ONLY benefited forum and not any of the other land owners down that street. [...] The business of the nearby convienience store on the now "no through street" is said to be affected.

I agree. I went to that Spar shop a few weeks ago and the area behind the new extension is pretty dark, dirty and intimidating now - it's a perfect area for people who want to avoid the gaze of passing police etc.


As I said earlier in this post, it's a shame that people only complain after these things have been built. If enough people appealed to the planning board then it might never have happened.


Having said all that, The Forum isn't all that bad if you can ignore the David Beckham (hair) clones...

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The Forum is not a bad place to go for a drink but the food there is awful! Been there loads of times for something to eat and it gets worse and worse.


Last time I went was Friday lunchtime and that is the last time!


BTW I think the extension is great just a shame you can't take your drinks onto Devonshire Green in the summer!

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Originally posted by Chalky

The Forum is not a bad place to go for a drink but the food there is awful! Been there loads of times for something to eat and it gets worse and worse.


Last time I went was Friday lunchtime and that is the last time!


BTW I think the extension is great just a shame you can't take your drinks onto Devonshire Green in the summer!

Just curious if you've eaten there loads of times and it gets worse and worse... why do you continue to eat there?

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Originally posted by Chalky

BTW I think the extension is great just a shame you can't take your drinks onto Devonshire Green in the summer!

Drinking in public places is illegal, so you would have to take that one up with the government. What's the name of that really 'old' looking pub right in the centre of Manchester, opposite Selfridges? Well anyway, I was there this summer and they had security guards to ensure you didn't leave their beer 'garden' - they certainly had their work cut out for them.

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