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GCSE results

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Well Done! Youll go far with results like those. What are you doing next? A-levels? My brother 1 result today (His school made some people do one early at 15) and he got a B so well done to him too (even though he's an annoying git and doesnt deserve it)

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well done!

i did my GCSEs last year, im at college now studying childcare.

i was estimated mainly d's and one c.

but got an A ,a B ,3 CS 4 DS's and an E.

I was well chuffed!!

you thinkin of going to college then?

pm me if you like.


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I am off to 6th form now. I'm starting at a different school now because the school I went to doesn't have a sixth form. I'm doing 4 A levels (Sociology, English language, French and English literature) and hoping to do well in them aswell! Haha!

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A little tip - english language is VERY VERY boring. I didnt do any of the others so cant advise you but i would advise anyone against doing english language. The only good thing about it is if theyre anything like our teachers they leave you pretty much to your own devices so a lot of lessons were 'study time.' Year 1 work revolves around society and language and is very boring but will probably tie in with sociology quite well (stuff like gender and language, jobs and language etc) and in year 2 you have to do a big project of your own choice. I spent AGES on mine and it was the most boring thing ive ever done. If you dont spend a long time on it you dont do well on it- not many other people did well on it. History of language in year 2 is the most boring thing in the world. Its how language has developed over time. This could be because i was never very interested in english, but if you have a genuine interest it could be OK.

You got similar results to me except you seem to have done more things. We only did 10 at our school and i got 7 As and 3 Bs. Does everyone do that many these days?

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Originally posted by kittykat

Does everyone do that many these days? [/b]


When I did my O levels (the pre-historic version of GCSE's) only about 20 people from my entire year did 10- it just wasn't possible for us to do any more. And, as for A levels well, you did three, that was it - you did four if you were going to go to Oxbridge. So, are the exams getting easier or are people getting more intelligent??


Anyway, well done Caprice and good luck with your A levels (I did English Literature and loved it!).

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This could be because i was never very interested in english, but if you have a genuine interest it could be OK.


I adore English! I love all the research, then compiling it all and writing a huuuge essay!


I've saved all the essays I did for my GCSE course (language and literature) and will probably use them as I get back into the swing of things! (I haven't picked up a pen since I left school....I'm resting my hand lol)



little tip - english language is VERY VERY boring.


I guess that's down to personal preference really, most people found the GCSE mind numbingly boring where as I was in my element.



I've been told to collect obscure and amusing articles so that I can analyse them as part of my course. Does anyone have any? If so could you post them on here please?



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