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12-year-old targeted in file sharing lawsuit!


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A 12-year-old has been targeted by the music industry in its assault on song-swappers, after she downloaded children's rhymes and pop records. Brianna LaHara, of New York, was one of 261 people served with a lawsuit by the Recording Industry of America (RIAA). She has admitted swapping music online, and her mother has agreed to pay $2,000 (£1,257) to settle the case - (source)


Great PR... not :?


Any opinions on the recording industries current strategy?


/edit: I wonder who gets the $2,000 they took?

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The music industry will get it!,this practice is illegal, although everyone who has a C.D. re-writer is guilty (including me) so, what are they allowed to produce them for? On the other hand does the music industry really need this money? are not they just greedy and avaricious? because they are making billions of pounds in rip-off profits.

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They are dinosaurs, companies run by 50 year old 'suits' who wouldn't know quality if it bit them on their a*se.


All they care about is raking in the dosh, which is reflected by the poor quality of music today. It only takes a few thousand single sales to reach number 1, so they need other areas to bring in the money - such as T-shirts, videos, magazines and such like. I mean, look at the Pogues - they must have earned their record company millions and it is all down to their music - certainly not their looks!


So, with the quality of today's music being as poor as it is, you can't blame people for not wanting to buy it.


Music sharing is now too big a thing to try and kill. Close Napster down and another takes it's place. But they refuse to discuss the matter and look for an amicable solution.


I'm a big 80's music fan and would gladly pay for downloading songs. But the only way to get them is to either look for a second hand album or buy one brand new for about £9 (if it is still available). Either way, I end up paying for a CD with only one or two songs I want.

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