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'Debarking' dogs - how do you feel about it?

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There is a surgical procedure to prevent dogs from barking by cutting out their vocal chords. :suspect:


Sherwood - A Judge has ordered Jason Clearman of Sherwood dog's vocal cords be removed to stop the barking that is allegedly disrupting his neighbor.


Full story here


Now is this right?

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There are dogs near here that I am glad I don't live next door to :suspect:


I would have to say 'yes', in extreme cases they should be silenced.


If, however, the noise is being caused by the dogs being aggravated by e.g. teenagers, it is the teenagers that should be dealt with :mad:


PS - I am a dog lover (before anybody gets started)


Edit: just read the story. It looks like there is alot of info missing there :mad:

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Originally posted by Strix

If, however, the noise is being caused by the dogs being aggravated by e.g. teenagers, it is the teenagers that should be dealt with :mad:


I'm all for that, cut the vocal chords of Teenagers :clap:


You could be onto a winner there Strix :hihi:

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Guest Cutglass

I think it's a bit extreme to cut out dogs vocal chords, but I can understand how having to listen to a dog barking all day could make you feel that way.

An old neighbour of mine used to leave her alsatian locked in her back garden all day while she went out to work and the sound of her dog barking from 7.30 in the morning til 5 when she came home, used to drive me round the bend.

In the end I used to let it out of her gate when she'd gone to work and it would just wander around in and out of our garden nice and quietly, no bother and then I'd lock it in again just before she was due back.;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seems way too extreme to me - Its just laziness.


There are all sorts of training methods and aids to combat barking available that arent so severe. Surgery seems a step too far.

A dog wouldnt be a dog if it couldnt bark!

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absolutly disgusting...

yes i know how annoying it is having to listen to a dog barking all day but still that is totally barbaric. i cant even beleive this is legal.

i have lost my voice the past 2 days and i have been as miserable as sin, imagine how the poor dog would feel to all of a sudden become mute.

i am totally gob smacked :rant: :rant:

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