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You Are What You Eat- last night


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Ok so having looked forward to seeing the Michelle McManus episode for ages (I'm not a fan of hers, don't worry, I was just quite intrigued), I finished work at 7.30pm, a bit frazzled and agreed to go to the cinema with the b/f, completely forgetting this programme was on.


Did anyone see it? How was it? Does anyone know if they're going to re-show it at any point? I know I'm a loser but I'm really bored here at work so through me a frickin bone :P

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i saw bits of it, but couldn't get into it, cos was at work and was reading the sub tittles from a distance.


But the fat that the women showed her, in comparison to how much over weight she was, was disgusting. But it worked to motivate her. She did well though at xmas, cos she hardly touched the booze so credit to her :clap:

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I watched it but was doing other things at the same time. That pile of fat they showed - Ugh disgusting.


Her problem was not so much the amount she ate, but that she ate much the same thing every day and drank a fair bit (nowt like as much as I drink though) :o


But good on 'er, she really stuck to it and lost just over 5stone.


She says now that she's not on a diet, this is a way of life and that sounds great. At the begining, she didn't like fish at all, then she got to eat two types of fish and by the end of it she was eating lots of different types of fish and other food.


She really stuck to the not drinking as well, that must have been hard to do. I think she'll go on to lose more and more weight and good luck to her, think i'll try and follow the McKeith regime.

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For all her pseudoscientific twaddle, Dr Gillian McKeith PhD seems to be telling people - "eat healthy food, do more exercise"


Now, call me a cynic, or even a miserable quack hater, but people could get this advice from their GP. For free.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

For all her pseudoscientific twaddle, Dr Gillian McKeith PhD seems to be telling people - "eat healthy food, do more exercise"


Now, call me a cynic, or even a miserable quack hater, but people could get this advice from their GP. For free.

I'm sure that the average person could even figure it out for themselves if they pulled their heads out of their ars*s and got off the sofa once a week to do something other than have a cr*p!:D

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arh! Don't knock our Gillian. I red her first book about 7 year ago when I'd just got outta hospital, I'd broken me kidney's and been pumped full of so much antibiotic that I couldnt keep anything down. I tried alot of the things she suggested (particually her superfood ideas and ditching sugar and caffine) and it really worked. Of course after a couple of years, I thought, "yay! I'm fixed now, lets go have an expresso!"

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Originally posted by Carmine

I'm sure that the average person could even figure it out for themselves if they pulled their heads out of their ars*s and got off the sofa once a week to do something other than have a cr*p!:D


Well apparently McManus was hard pushed (:hihi:) to even do that!

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Originally posted by ddolly

arh! Don't knock our Gillian. I red her first book about 7 year ago when I'd just got outta hospital, I'd broken me kidney's and been pumped full of so much antibiotic that I couldnt keep anything down. I tried alot of the things she suggested (particually her superfood ideas and ditching sugar and caffine) and it really worked. Of course after a couple of years, I thought, "yay! I'm fixed now, lets go have an expresso!"


She also says that green leaf plants oxygenate you, and she has a doctorate from the same university that awarded a PhD to a dead cat.


Also, I have to say, she's not exactly a glowing advertisement for her own product - she looks a bit like an air dried corpse.

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