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How to stop a dog pulling

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Does anyone have any idea how to stop a dog from continually pulling at the lead and trying to choke itself?


My ex was well under way training my collie not to pull, but then she went and not knowing what she was doing I have not had any luck so taking him out for walks is something of a nightmare.


Yep - tried a gentle leader but it took the hair off his nose and was a nightmare getting him to go anywhere with it on. Putting the damned thing on him was a nightmare to begin with.


Any ideas. This is the only real problem my dog has.



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I just used the choke chain to train my Staffie. Just give it a yank when your dog starts pulling. The idea is not to hurt or pull your dog back. Your trying to make the chain make a noise. It won't take long for your dog to start taking notice of it :wink:

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Collies are highly intelligent but also have seemingly boundless energy. If your dog pulls then the best idea is to keep him or her on a nice short lead so it doesn't have much option but to walk nicely.

Choke chains are fine if used correctly but don't let me see anyone half choking their dog with one I might be tempted to say something. I've tried a 'halti' and my X German Shepherd just developed amazingly strong neck muscles so he could hold his head up and pull against it and it did wear the fur off the bridge of his nose after a while.

So short walks, make sure the dog goes somewhere where he can have a decent run off the lead, try carrying a favorite dog chew in your hand which your dog knows about and if he pulls too hard in one direction confuse him by turning round and walking in the other direction.

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I was going to say 'Halti' but that is just the brand name for a 'gentle leader'.


Okay. This is going to be painful and slow. It's phsychology. They are intelligent dogs.


You don't need contraptions, but a half choke may help (Brude has had a full choke lock up on him, and I had to pull it even tighter to release it).


Put the dog on your left, hold the handle of your sturdy (non-retractable) lead in your right, and hold the lead further down in your left. Begin to walk, but every time the dog steps ahead (more than shoulders to your step), stop and simultaneouly gently tug the lead and say 'no'. Only start off again when the dog returns to your side.


See? I said it would be painful. It'll drive you nuts to begin with, and if you say 'begger it' to get the walk over with, the dog will know it will win eventually every time, so it won't work.


Good luck :thumbsup:

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