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Use of Cannabis? Discuss Sensibly!

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I think it may be a rumour - the front of the Gazette the other day had pictures of a cannabis haul brought in by South Yorkshire Police in Sheffield.


If they are still hauling in cannabis factories - there may be problems with a cafe.


Shame really - I know of at least 5 people who benefit medically from cannabis.


Moon Maiden

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I read the same thing in the gazette... I hear that they have these cafes in london. I was told by a school teacher that this was true, so i suppose that's quite reliable? Even if they are not building one in Sheffield, can anyone enlighten me on the loop hole (I assume there is one) that these cafes take advantage of - Like I said surely it's completely illegal and would get raided by police a lot???

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Originally posted by "Moon Maiden"


the front of the Gazette the other day had pictures of a cannabis haul brought in by South Yorkshire Police in Sheffield.


Maybe the police are planning to open a Cannabis Cafe and were just stocking up with supplies prior to opening? :lol:

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Cannabis Cafes are illegal. Whether the police decide to raid them or not depends a lot on local circumstances, whether there have been complaints, and how much publicity it is getting. There are no legal loopholes, it is simply up to the police as to whether they decide to take action or not.


Anyone found selling cannabis from an outlet is likely to get pretty short shrift, even from police in Sheffield who are quite tolerant of cannabis users; the charge of supplying class B/C drugs is still quite a serious one.


As for the rumour, I hadn't heard it. Look at the fortunes of the cannabis cafe in stockport for what is likely to happen.


On the other hand, there used to be a great Cafe in Hull (The Green Room). It didn't tout itself as a cannabis cafe, and there was never any on sale there, but people would smoke weed in there all day. The Police knew, but given that the cafe didn't cause any trouble they never intervened.

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Phanerothyme's right. There is no legal 'loopholes'. All the proprietors need to do is put up a sign saying "The smoking of any illegal substances is not permitted on these premises" and they can disclaim any resposibility in the event of a police raid.

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Originally posted by "Moon Maiden"


Shame really - I know of at least 5 people who benefit medically from cannabis.


Moon Maiden


Some of us would have you believe that thousands would benefit from the therapeutic effects of this ancient medicine.... no matter what your state of health. Especially if it wasn't mixed with that dodgy tobacco toxic stuff all the time :lol: !

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A friend suffers with CIDP which is a muscle wasting condition and causes much pain to many joints. Prescribed pain killers are effective but a side effect of these causes loss of breath after walking short distances and lack of energy. Some time ago she came across the above substance and willing to try anything that might help she included some in a pancake mix. The effect was amazing, she had complete pain relief for 4 days but a side effect was a very high pounding heart rate. She has not used it since but I am sure that if it was prescribed correctly and considered in conjunction with medication already being taken for high blood pressure it would give safe relief from pain at a reasonable cost rather than lining the pockets of the illegal producers and dealers causing cost on the street at around 20GBP per gram.



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