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Loud explosions - Tuesday Feb 3rd?


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This old chestnut again! Did anyone hear a series of loud explosions last night at about 2am? There were several small (but loud) explosions, followed by an extremely loud one at about 2.30am. Just wondering if anyone a) heard them and b) knew what on earth caused them?


Edit: I just had a brainwave... I will ask the police (in theory they should be aware of loud explosions in the city...!)

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Were they in the same area as last time?

When I was walking around Victoria quays the last time they were going off I saw a number of flashes which led to the explosion like noise coming from around the Shalesmoor area, and when I was in the police uniform stores near shalesmoor a few of us saw and heard them as the police helicopter flew over.


could'nt hear them last night but could the last time they went off, strange!

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I heard them,they woke me up!!! :(


Don't know what caused them but they sounded really close to West St,a few little ones which just sounds like normal fireworks then about 3-4 really loud ones. I heard a couple go off towards the end of last week.

Whatever they are i wish they would stop as there pretty annoying in the middle of the night. :mad:

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Originally posted by duffman

Did you get any luck from the police Geoff? or was it a case of we know about it and are looking into it (but don't have a clue)?

Yes, I had a reply from the police. I meant to post it earlier, but forgot! Basically they knew nothing about it :lol:


But then again... they stop working at 12pm don't they? :P

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we heard them!


they woke us up aswell, which was not fun seeing as I had to be up for work at 5. i couldn't get back to sleep after :(


was extremely loud here in netherthorpe area, couldn't make up my mind whether it was fireworks or gun shots


they were a bit too spread out to be fireworks i thought, especially at that time in the morning :confused:

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