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Can anyone sort my life out for me?


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Can anyone tell me what to do. I'm in a job i hate and i feel like i've sold out in life. However it offers security and a decent (ish) wage. What should i do stick with safe and sensible or throw caution to the wind and risk everything to get rid of the apathy? :confused:

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how old r u?


if u are young still i think u shud go for another! if u are older then i suggest u stick with it so the security is there and u get a decvent pension at the end of it!


u only live once so enjoy while u r still here!





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At age 22/23, you can do whatever you like.


What is it that you see yourself doing?


What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?


Where's alert_bri when you need him, he's great at this sort of thing!



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you're a teacher aren't you?


but yea i'd reiterate what the others say apart from that you're never too old - i was a bricklayer for 10 years - went to uni when i was 27 and now i'm a chartered town planner -


even if you were 40 you still have 20 years or so of work left so you may as well enjoy something you do!


at least it seems like you have aspirations.... that s a start and you're not exactly 'taking a risk' i mean you're not happy with your job so change it, the worst is that you won't be happy with the next job - so what - change again - you could always go back to what you are quailified for

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Cheers everyone!:thumbsup:


I am a teacher yes and i know we get the holidays etc but i just feel like i've fallen into this. its like one day i was 17 and had so many aspirations and then i woke up in a job i didn't really want and i'm not sure how i got there.


i'm prob just jelous of my mate who has just started work as a journalist on a magazine. I feel like i really don't want to be responsible anymore. Or maybe i've just got itchy feet (dumped boyfriend of 4 years two months ago too!!)


Maybe its a very early mid-life crisis.:loopy:

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Originally posted by caz2

Cheers everyone!:thumbsup:


I am a teacher yes and i know we get the holidays etc but i just feel like i've fallen into this. its like one day i was 17 and had so many aspirations and then i woke up in a job i didn't really want and i'm not sure how i got there.

So, is it the job itself or just the school you're in at the moment? You might want to think about that side of things before you jump headlong out there into the world :)


Otherwise, teachers are pretty highly sought in terms of experience of working in challenging environments, with people, etc... so management work is always available...


If nought else you'd be better off at least taking a little time to research what jobs are out there and testing the water somewhat before handing in your notice...


I'm prob just jelous of my mate who has just started work as a journalist on a magazine. I feel like i really don't want to be responsible anymore. Or maybe i've just got itchy feet (dumped boyfriend of 4 years two months ago too!!)


Maybe its a very early mid-life crisis.:loopy:

heh .. quite possibly... I've been living the "free" life for quite some time and I'm going through the exact opposite feeling such that I'm looking at teaching or a similar career where there's a bit more stability and challenge..


Either way you go, best of luck to you... :thumbsup:

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Have you considered working abroad. Maybe it would be a short term solution to get away from memories etc and allow you time to take stock and think about what you really want to do with your life. At age 44 I am looking at going to college. Having raised 2 children I now feel its time to do something for me. Its never too late. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Give yourself wings, empower yourself and go for it.

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I know a few college/uni lecturers that used to be school teachers, and they've all said they are very glad to have left the school environment.


Maybe you could look into lecturing? It might not be a total career change, but it might be enough to make you enjoy your work and feel rewarded, and you might feel better for it.

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Originally posted by jackthedog

I know a few college/uni lecturers that used to be school teachers, and they've all said they are very glad to have left the school environment.


Maybe you could look into lecturing? It might not be a total career change, but it might be enough to make you enjoy your work and feel rewarded, and you might feel better for it.


I like that idea! I would LOVE to do that but i don't feel experienced enough does anyone know what you need to do that? I just have a BA, PGCE and one years teaching.

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