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Nasty smells from the Brewery


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As a kid, whenever in the vacinity of Waingate or the Wicker i can always remember the awful smells that came from Lady's Bridge brewery.


Dont know if it was the hops or whatever but it was real strong.


I would accept the smells back though, for the sake of the brewery, what a scandle all those breweries that disappeared over what seemed like a short space of time.:rant:

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Yeah,they made a really strong brew there.Once a brewery worker fell into one of the vats and drowned.

The police had the sad job of informing his missus. She was heart--broken.

"Oh ,I hope he didn't suffer ",she sobbed on the policeman's shoulder.

"I don't think so,love,"he replied, "he jumped out twice for a slash ".

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I'm afraid I have to admit that I loved that smell. To me it was a pleasant aroma and probably explains why years later beer became a good buddy of mine.


Wards at the bottom of Ecclesall Road is the one I remember most, alongside Whitbreads near Lady's Bridge. I think it is the smell of the hops in the mashing tuns that creates the smell.


Like sticking your nose into a freshly opened jar of Horlicks - lovely!

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I used to travel up Solly St to St Vincents School when I was young and the smell was almost unbearable, but I never knew it was from the brewery. I thught it was from the old lodging house at the bottom of Solly St. I think they just took in down and outs and they were always hanging around the building. Plaster crumbled from the walls and the smell hung about the place. I suppose the men were casualties of the war, I'm talking late 1940's. But to me asa child the were just dirty old men who had this smell around them.


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Originally posted by stevo

I remember that smell also. I was only a child at the time and I hated the smell. Was it a Whitbread brewery?

yep, Whitbread. They used to produce Trophy bitter....best sampled at The Albert...a lovely smooth pint.

When they went over to keg beers, they stopped making Trophy in Sheffield but it remained the centre for brewing Gold Label Barley Wine (shudder!)

The smell was definately the hops but I think it was possible to detect a different sweeter smell sometimes as well, which I took to come from mashing the malt.

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