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Are all people who wear hoodies bad?

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It seems that some young people put their hoods up when up to no good.

I recently saw this actually happen. They looked around and put up their hoods and tied the cords around their faces deliberately so as not to be recognised when stealing a mootor bike.


Didn't have them on before




That's undoubtedly true hazel - and it's the reason why 'hoodie' has become a byword for troublesome and dangerous 'yoof'.

But equally true, of course is that very, very many of the young people that attract such fear and criticism who happen to wear a hoodie are perfectly reasonable kids who aren't up to anything worse than being kids.

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That's undoubtedly true hazel - and it's the reason why 'hoodie' has become a byword for troublesome and dangerous 'yoof'.

But equally true, of course is that very, very many of the young people that attract such fear and criticism who happen to wear a hoodie are perfectly reasonable kids who aren't up to anything worse than being kids.


I agree.


I think it's almost become a fashion statement for some kids too.

What's worse is when they wear a baseball cap AND a hood.:hihi:

No matter how hot the weather you see these puce little faces peeking out of their hoods.:hihi:


I personally think they look ridiculous and I'd like to take a pair of scissors to every hoodie I see.....but then I'm an old fart.:D

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I agree.


I think it's almost become a fashion statement for some kids too.

What's worse is when they wear a baseball cap AND a hood.:hihi:

No matter how hot the weather you see these puce little faces peeking out of their hoods.:hihi:


I personally think they look ridiculous and I'd like to take a pair of scissors to every hoodie I see.....but then I'm an old fart.:D


Ah, but can you recall what fashionable items of clothing you wore as a young fart? Without blushing, that is! :hihi:

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I get so annoyed with people who say things like 'There were a lot of young people and I had to cross the road to avoid them.'


When will people realise that not everyone who wears a hoodie is out to kill or maim? I myself wear hoodies on a regular basis, albeit without the hood up (unless it's raining) and I would never dream of hurting anyone or breaking the law.


I wonder why people instantly assume young people are doing something wrong if they are in a group of more than 2? Are you someone who crosses the road to avoid younger people?


I would assert that there is more fear of young people than there necessary, more fear of crime than actual crime and more good hearted hard working young people out there than society as a whole is willing to recognise.


Its tragic.


Hoodys arent a bad thing. When u have a gang of hoody boys staring at you, or doing something like..acting cocky u know ur in for some.


If people was to pass them and they were polite and moved to one side then wheres the problem?

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Ah, but can you recall what fashionable items of clothing you wore as a young fart? Without blushing, that is! :hihi:


Ah, my heyday was the 80's and I had a bit of a gothic thing going on. But as far as I can recall I didn't intimidate anyone......not like I do now.:hihi:

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Hoodys arent a bad thing. When u have a gang of hoody boys staring at you, or doing something like..acting cocky u know ur in for some.


If people was to pass them and they were polite and moved to one side then wheres the problem?


I'd agree with that.

I hate it when people are so rude and don't move over when people are trying to get past on the pavement or in a shop or something. But thats not always kids, a lot of the time its older people as well.

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