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Bouncers At The Crucible

lowdham lad

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this is a quality play that is v.v. funny.:hihi::hihi:

For all those people out there who worked/ran doors or owned/worked in pubs/clubs then this is soo for you.



I went to see it the Crucible years ago. It were nothing special. Whats the big deal about bouncers anyway? They all bullies who think theyre something special in a black suit.That play only glorifies em. If theres so many big hard cases how come we've never had a decent british heavyweigt boxer eh?

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If theres so many big hard cases how come we've never had a decent british heavyweigt boxer eh?





boxing is totally different to street rules thats why. and not all doorstaff are bullies, yes they is sum but not all.... they wrk hard for there £10-£16ph wage which is more than most ppl get even triple sum... u need to stop bein arrogant and grow up,

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I went to see it the Crucible years ago. It were nothing special. Whats the big deal about bouncers anyway? They all bullies who think theyre something special in a black suit.That play only glorifies em. If theres so many big hard cases how come we've never had a decent british heavyweigt boxer eh?




:rant: what on earth has a play taking the mickey out of doorman and dj's and idiotic people on a night out based around the late 80's and 90's got to do with decent british heavyweight boxers??

And as for them all being bullies that's just a typically ignorant comment. No doubt all police are the same etc etc.

I have had many many doormen work for me and have never come across any bullies only people who do a very difficult job dealing with sometime difficult drunk and problematic people.

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I went ot osee this on Saturday, having seen an amateur production years ago. It was hilarious.


its not just about bouncers. Its a stuidy of nightlife in general, groups of girls and groups of lads out on the pull, drinking too much, promiscuity etc. Idiosyncracies of Bouncers and the different groups.


Its fantastic, and was really well updated too!

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I went to see it the Crucible years ago. It were nothing special. Whats the big deal about bouncers anyway? They all bullies who think theyre something special in a black suit.That play only glorifies em. If theres so many big hard cases how come we've never had a decent british heavyweigt boxer eh?


Have you never heard of Henry Cooper!!!!

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I have had many many doormen work for me and have never come across any bullies only people who do a very difficult job dealing with sometime difficult drunk and problematic people.


Well said...it IS a difficult job, and unfortunately sometimes this involves using appropriate force in given situations which can often give the wrong impression to people...all doorman are trained and are aware of the rules and regulations....I am doing an SIA badge course myself and I know the sort of situations that doorman have to deal with.....

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