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Time spent on message boards

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I've only just got into this message boarding (easier than snowboarding!) thing and just want to know where you all get the time from??!!! I've become a bit addicted over the past few days and this is not good for my employment prospects because I'm doing it in work time.


Time spent not working over past couple of days will probably mean I spend the weekend working at home so I think I've gone wrong somewhere.


Like the forum though, some amusing posts.


And how do I get to put a picture on my posts? Read the FAQs but a bit technical for me. Would I be able to get a picture off the internet?:lol:

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If you let me know what picture (or kind of picture) you want then I can sort it out for you - and anyone else that wants one ;)


Where do we get our time from? Hmm... good question. A lot of people use the site during their lunch breaks or in the evening. Most of the time I spend "message boarding" is time that I would normally use to watch TV - but we all know how bad that is at the moment!

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It can be very addictive, I am also spending far too much time surfing the net when I should be working. I also work late because I have messed around on the Forum all day.


Welcome to the Forum Blondee

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That's a good point about the TV. As you spend a lot of time on line do you have one of those internet connections where you pay a monthly fee? Or broadband?


Am thinking of upgrading, but there seems to be so many options and so many providers I just never get round to doing it.

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