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thanks dude...but where's the swim inn? :)....which road are we talkin?


Glossop Road, the Swim Inn was originally Glossop Road Baths years ago.


It was one of those wierd Pools that was shallow at both ends and deep in the middle as I recall, and it was nearly always bloody f-freezing!

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Think the owners (the two girls who worked behind and ran the bar) simply got fed up and wanted to pursue their "careers", which I dont think involved running a bar.

I heard it had been bought out - not sure by whom.


actually the lovely rachel (one of the sisters) has moved out to new zealand with her fella mark(who i used to work with). unfortunately, i dont know her sister, but im sure she has her own plans.


theyll be sorely missed by me both as colleagues and friends.


i wish them all the best and im sure those who were regulars will too.




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I always wondered in amazement why it was closed down for the week between Xmas and New Year, when they could have been raking it in.....


It's the deadest week of the year for pubs and even landlords and landlords like a bit of time off without worrying about the 3 people that might want to traipse to West Street over the period. :)

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