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Amazing coincidences - Have you experienced any?

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Does anyone have any stories of Amazing coincidences. Don't make them up, we only want truthful experiences.


Have you experience a coincidence where the chances of it happening were unbelievable. Or perhaps it's just a spooky coincidence but hard to understand.

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Out in the states, just finished summer camp for the 3rd summer running... decided to finally get up to the top of the empire state (no mean feat due to my vertigo)...


Get up there with a few friends from camp and while wandering around the viewing platform.. this guy, wearing a reverse baseball cap and shades, taps me on the shoulder and says... "Hey you" in a yank accent...


I'm like... "Erm.. sorry, wrong person" and wander off, with this guy following... which had me thinking... oh great! mugging time.


Then I do a double take... it's only a guy who was doing the same uni course as me, at the same university but in the year below me... Add to that, his mother worked with my mother in the same surgery...


Nothing planned... no idea we were both over there and all very weird...

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Last month I went for an interview in Exeter. During the interview I noticed this bloke lurking around, but didnt take much notice until the end when he caught my eye. I asked the director (interviewer) what the blokes name was and he told me, and I recognised the name. At that the bloke turned around stuck out his hand and said hello John.


I had worked with this bloke about 10 years ago. Maybe not so strange




I have only been back in the UK a couple of years I dont know that many people, I worked woth this bloke in Johannesburg 19 years ago. Of all the places I expect something like this to happen, never did I expect it at an interview.


( I got the job tho and move next month )

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Dozens of the darn things.....:)


The usual starter for ten is how we acquired our first cat, Curious (known as C or Mr C to friends and family).


We came to Sheffield in the mid 1980s, on one of the first wagon trains from the East Coast...oh...sorry...I'm thinking of 'How the West Was Won' here...;)


Seriously, we came to Sheffield in the mid 1980s and live din a rented house in Walkley. I was working from home at teh time, doing a combination of freelance journalism for the computer press and software development. My career hasn't progressed much...


Anyway, I used to work in the kitchen of the house with the door open in the late summer of 1985(?) and after a couple of weeks I started getting visited by a black and white cat who just came in and settled down under the desk. As he got his nose in to everything, I christened him Curious. He was obviously local and well fed, so we didn't feed him or really encourage him. But he just kept coming....


At that time I was starting to work for a magazine publishers based in Stockport called Database Publications on a couple of their magazines - BBC Micro User, Electron User, Amstrad CPC Usre, etc. I got a call and they suggested that I meet with one of their editors, who lived in Sheffield. Shortly afterwards I got a call from this chap and we were quite surprised to realise that our back gardens almost joined up! He lived around the corner from me. So, I suggested he pop round and he did do. As he walked in he exclaimed 'That's where the little ******* gets to' as he saw C. on the couch. C was actually Spot, and was one of his cats! (He later came with us when we moved house, and we had him until he passed on in the early 1990s)


Another coincidence was that the offices of the publisher were in Stockport at the top of the road in which my wife lived when I first met her.


I've had so many coincidences over the years that I've become quite interested in coincidence and synchronicity - I think my interest in Jungian psychology hails from this.



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I heard this from an engineer I met:-


The engineer (from Sheffield say called 'BE') flew to Australia to deal with a steelworks construction. He was flying as a passenger in a 4 seater plane over the outback when the pilot asked if he fancied a drink. They landed on a remote airstrip which had a few more small planes parked up at a bar. The small place was fairly full and the engineer and the pilot sat at a table occupied by 2 blokes reading newspapers.


Hearing BE's Sheffield accent or references to Sheffield one of the paper reading blokes put down his paper and said "'BE!! You were my tutor at Sheffield Uni in 19**"


Quite a coincidence in itself ....but then the second paper reader put down his paper and said "I was in that year too - and suddenly also recognised his old tutor (BE) and, behind the paper, his old classmate.

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This is my one of many that springs to mind.


While living in France I met someone from England at one point, he was travelling through.


Anyway about a year later I paid a visit to England and took a trip to Camden Market. WHo did I bump into, only the guy I had met in France!


That was pretty wierd as he was just paying a visit to Camden too.

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Okay, it's nothing on a global scale, but hugely helpful on a personal level. Kind of a karma kind of thing maybe?;)


Been helping out some friends lately, which has been a little stressfull, and not resulting in much good sleep (though they're worth it). Hence not altogether with it, and forgot to take my car in for it's MOT. However, took it in this morning, one day late, and happy coincidence number one: it just happens to be pay day, so I can afford it. Very happy/ karmic coincidence number two: am just dreading the long walk up Granville Road, feeling exhausted and icky, and another car pulls into the garage - a friend from work dropping her car off for it's MOT...and oh fabulous happiness, her wonderful partner around the corner ready to give us a lift into work. Incredible timing...and just what I needed when I needed it.


So off to count my blessings instead of being a growly bear all day.



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Another one....


In the mid 1980s when Mrs P. and I were seeking a house to buy in Sheffield, we took a bus out one evening to look at a place out along the Chesterfield Road.


We boarded the bus and settled down for the ride, and suddenly realised that the bloke behind us had been my housemate at University. He was in Sheffield for one night and was travelling to see a friend, another guy I knew from Uni.


Small fry compared to the outback one - that's amazing!



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Rite here is a good one for you- I was working in newquay one summer about 6 years ago, i was working in a hoilday camb called smugglers haven! I was only cooking burgers and doing abit of chambermaiding at the time, anyway my girlfriend back home said she was coming down with a few friends but didnt know where they were staying. Two days later to my supris when i knocked on a caravan door to go in and clean, no answer so i let myself in and there she was in bed with another bloke!!!


That was the end of us and i left work that day to and went home!

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In my previous job i was working in a sales office taking party bookings etc... As i went to ask the customers name for the booking i was thinking Mrs Britton... dont ask me why... anyway she replied Mrs Britton... I couldnt believe it... it was really weird...


Me & Mrs Britton had a good laugh about it after as i told her i knew her name before she'd even told me... or shall i say thinking it... :)


Another time i was thinking after getting up out of bed i didnt shut my door... I thought shall i get up again? Nah! no ones gonna come in... WRONG!!! that night a Burglar came into my bedroom and stole my jewellery... :(

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