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Amazing coincidences - Have you experienced any?

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I have a very unusual surname as well, bought a phone and the (English) guy at the desk pronounced it perfectly, a first. I must have looked puzzled so he explained his mate had the same name...


When my oh's cousin came to visit from NZ we got to talking about strange names. She mentioned that a girlfriend of hers in NZ used to go out with someone called Kimble (first name) who turned out to be my brother in law's brother.


BTW The brother in law is my sister's husband not my oh's brother, which would make it less of a coincidence.

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I was driving to work the other morning and saw a chap who lived in the next road walking his dog, I thought I haven't seen him in six months or more, I then started thinking that I don't hear anything about his wife, who's been poorly for the last three years with the big c, another tall story from my neighbour ,who so happens to be her son in law I thought, when I came home for lunch he beckoned me over to say that his mother in law had passed away the day before!

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Ok I have two.


On a bus with my visiting sister going in to the Perth CBD shortly after arriving in Australia.


I'm sitting around the middle of the bus and I hear a very familiar Scottish accent coming from the back.


I thought it belonged to my 16 year old schoolmate John Gavin - and when I looked around sure enough! I pretended I did not see him though!



Second one is a bit freaky....


Down the river sailing on the weekend there wasn't any wind. I got talking to a English female windsurfer for an hour or two.


Next day I had to pick up something from a house I had not been to before.


I had the address of the unit complex but when I seen his green three cylinder car parked in one of the units I ignored the number and knocked on the door.


Was a bit surprised as I heard two women talking inside but I knew it was his car.


The woman I had been talking to 12 hours earlier opened the door and like me nearly fainted.


Turns out she owns the identical car and colour and she pointed me to a unit 20 yards away


where the old bloke I was picking up from stays.


Highly embarrassing that was!

Edited by MAC33
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