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The wanderer returns: Diary of a jaw surgery patient.


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Sorry, no, that's not the title of my latest contribution, and I haven't got a "proper" October contribution yet, either. But since Shoeshine so kindly assured me of my continued welcome on the group, I am now reporting back after a short spell in hospital.


I did start writing up a diary of my hospital stay but had second thoughts when I read it through, as I couldn't imagine anyone would be interested in reading it.


To test that theory, here's what I've done so far, and don't worry, I shan't be hurt if you tell me not to bother any more but concentrate on the October theme instead. :)


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At first glance, the topic of covering a hospital admission could be somewhat mundane. However, since this is taking place abroad, there is the opportunity to contrast a foreign experience with the local one. This is a terrific opportunity , not just to entertain, but also to educate us in Sheffield.

Is it such a different experience? Are hospitals alike the world over? How do ours compare? I think this idea might benefit from a further exploration.

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I did start writing up a diary of my hospital stay but had second thoughts when I read it through, as I couldn't imagine anyone would be interested in reading it.


Nice one Sauerkraut

While reading this I imagined it was myself (apart from the gender, of course) and found I was getting all irate, I was ready to bite the ear off the next doctor that came in.

This goes to show I got really engrossed in your story.

And don’t worry; I didn’t bite the wife’s ear off I just gave it a gentle nibble then kicked the hell out of the wheelie bin.

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